By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: guinea pig & boxer buddies edition

September 1, 2016


How high is your Ugly tolerance?

Mr and Mrs Our Next Life are working on their pre-retirement to do list.

The $20 principle is spot on. This reminds me of my college experience, but I had the good fortune to be working at a place that was going through a short-staffing time so I could work all the overtime my body could handle. I hope The Fast Fund comes up with a working model because I would be very interested in supporting that.

Another awesome thing to support: The I, Too, Arts Collective is “a nonprofit organization committed to nurturing voices from underrepresented communities in the creative arts. Our first major project is to provide a space for emerging and established artists in Harlem to create, connect, and showcase work. Our goal is to lease and renovate the brownstone where Langston Hughes lived in Harlem as a way to not only preserve his legacy but to build on it and impact young poets and artists.”


I haven’t seen Captain America: Civil War, don’t yet know if I can take watching it, but the blooper reel is good times.

Real life Stars Hollow weekend

What would you wish for? I once wished for a horse but that wouldn’t have been an accidental horse, it would have been a horse with a barn, an arena, a fully featured bathroom and all the equipment a rider could need.

I adore Captain Awkward and this is one reason why.


In Montreal, is opening a passenger’s door really that big of a deal? Do you need to be in the driver’s seat, revving the engine, set to take off the second your passenger’s in the car? My taxi drivers don’t always open my door but they’re also not in such a tearing hurry: “Think about it: in the middle of rush hour, [drivers must] open someone’s door, your door, close door,” said taxi driver Abraham Mesfun. “What will happen to the driver? What will be the reaction of people?”

Deeper thoughts on Chuck Tingle than I realized were possible. I’d seen mentions of him on Twitter but didn’t know the full relationship to the Sad or Rabid Puppies shenanigans.

APW on conversations you should have before becoming a parent (and IMO, before you get pets): PiC and I did have these conversations. We talked about if he was willing to take time off to be home with us. If he was willing to shoulder the burdens when my 100% (which feels to me like 70% for anyone else) was 50%, when my crippling moved to higher levels. If he was willing to make our family the Number 1 priority over and above anything else. I had to face my fear of trust, and overcome it. We had to discuss, and budget for, childcare because we knew that we don’t have free help anywhere.  The funny thing is that it’s worked so well with JuggerBaby that I am afraid to rock the boat by changing anything at all. It’s perfect riiiiight there, don’t move! Don’t breathe!

Guinea pig & boxer buddies

2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: guinea pig & boxer buddies edition”

  1. Thank you so much for the link love : )
    Fruclassity (Ruth) recently posted…Gazelle Intense: Month TwoMy Profile

  2. […] $20 might seem like not a lot of money to you, but it can catapult someone into a whole other socio-economic class. H/T to Revanche. […]

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