By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: phone calls edition

September 8, 2016


A writer on writing better scifi

Sad (and infuriating) but true: women need others to speak up for us, to ensure that our work is recognized.

When you’re about to take a big risk, who do you talk to first? I have a very small circle, my Life Board of Advisors, that I consult. They care about my success and well-being for my sake, and give me the best advice as informed by their knowledge and experience as possible.


Thanks to Tragic Sandwich for this: Dogs DO understand what you’re saying!

I appreciate this art appreciation

Speaking of art, check out this lovely art by Alina Chau!


Why are parents judged unfairly for putting their children at perceived and not true risk?: “Instead, it could be that moral attitudes toward parenting have changed, such that leaving children unsupervised is now judged morally wrong. And because it’s judged morally wrong, people overestimate the risk.”

A white man hikes across America, gets hassled by cops, makes an important observation: But, on the other hand, I’ll never really understand what they have to go through. I never felt fear in any of these encounters. I never worried about getting manhandled, beaten, or shot. I never felt my dignity was being assaulted because I knew that this targeting would end the minute my hike did, and I’d go back to my old life in which my whiteness makes me invisible to cops.

It’s incredible the lengths this couple went to to destroy one woman for (apparently) a perceived slight. It’s even more incredible that the police took the target seriously and investigated as thoroughly as they did. The prosecutor himself noted that had anyone else been set up, from a less “acceptable” background, this outcome would have been highly unlikely.

Study of economics papers finds that female authors get less credit than their male colleagues

Elizabeth Smart: “The way we talk about [sex and abstinence] needs to change,” she continues. “People need to realize there is nothing that can detract from your worth. When it comes to rape and sexual violence and abuse, that can never detract from who you are.”

It appears that warm winters in the West and the cold winters in the East are only going to get more severe. That’s a bit alarming. 

Ants trapped in a bunker: They called it work for work’s sake but is it that or do something because there’s nothing else to do? 

I have this relationship with phone calls

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: phone calls edition”

  1. Thanks for the shout-out!

    Elizabeth Smart may be significantly younger than I am, but she’s one of my role models. She’s taken true horror and used it to help others, with kindness and compassion.
    Tragic Sandwich recently posted…Role-PlayingMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      You’re welcome!

      Agreed – she’s come out a horrifying situation with far more grace and compassion than I could imagine having.

  2. I was actually in Utah at the time Smart was missing, and grew up in the same religion/culture. I’m glad she’s speaking up on it. There are so many problems with the purity culture, especially within that religion, especially related to sex, and especially related to young girls.

    • Revanche says:

      I completely agree. Purity culture is really so unhealthy, considering what it’s saying about the worth of young girls and women, and considering it completely ignores the reality we live in.

  3. Heh heh heh! Where DO you find this stuff?

    Don’t you love it that it took a peer-reviewed study and (no doubt) a grant to figure out the obvious about dogs?
    Funny about Money recently posted…PLEASE! Don’t “give” me your right of way!My Profile

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