By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: otterly adorable edition

October 27, 2016


Case, the bus tour CEO, said that black and Latino founders each only have access to 1% of the total venture capital funding invested and that 90% of venture capital funding goes to men. The audience muttered in surprise.” How isthis a surprise to this audience? Are they that incapable of looking to the right and to the left and noticing the sea of white male faces?

I’m not sure why but I don’t think I’ve ever been in a Super Chickens experiment environment that went this way. Maybe we weren’t as competitive or aggressive as we thought we were but even when I thought I was working alongside good to possibly great performers, we didn’t have the cutthroat environment.

It was when I worked with non-performers that we had that environment because they were too busy trying to manipulate politics to make themselves look good rather than doing any real work on their own. Boy, were they a barrel of monkeys to “work” with (more like fend off like they’re bizarre attack robots).

Icelandic women protest the gender wage gap


Rabbit Island is amazing

Empires Strikes Back in miniature

Photos of old, disappearing, London

Leslie Jones remains amazing


Can you be friends with an asshole if they aren’t an asshole to you? I’m not sure what I’d decide in this situation but I have prescreened people who have treated my friends badly without remorse. I won’t give them a chance because in at least a few cases, I’ve either been burned or I’ve realized they were using me to get at the mutual friend.

What is wrong with flyers? Getting into an altercation over a reclined seat? Igh.

If you want to inform about Planned Parenthood, we need to hear about all the work they do, not just the work that’s “controversial”.

Leslie Odom Jr’s voice is amazing

Australia has yet another way it could probably kill you: Hermie the hunstman

Who thought glass kite strings were necessary??!

Otterly adorable

2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: otterly adorable edition”

  1. I’ve just pre-ordered two copies of Leslie Odom, Jr.,’s Christmas album. One for me, one as a gift for my dad. Now, if Philippa Soo will record a solo album!
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