By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: behatted owl edition

November 3, 2016


Raids on call centers in Mumbai have reduced the number of IRS tax scam calls

Thanks to Des, I played with the Real Life Ratio, scoring 81.34. The explanation for that score is in line with how I feel about our money: “Go back and see where you can cut costs”. I thought this ignored retirement savings but oops, that was just me failing to read. Fixing that to account for not just our monthly cash savings but also our retirement savings, we score 101.34, which means “Financial stress overload” and that’s just weird.

Penny asked: If you were rich, where would you be?

Wife and money jokes make me stabby.

Crunch is a horrible way to live. I remember it and that’s one of my Never Again! memories.

Maria, on the occasion of her birthday, shares some wisdom from this past year

Crystal, on work-life balance, and being present.

Maggie gathers all kinds of frightful money thoughts for Halloween.

This discussion on preferring working for someone else is timely. Most days I’m in favor of working for someone else, except for the earning bags and bags of money part, because the steady paycheck and ability to focus on only the work I’m best at is what makes me an excellent performer. Also the commentary on PF blogs made me chuckle.


What happens when you Google “my dog ate my tea bag”


Gender bias about math skills not being “girl subjects” (BAH) starts in kindergarten. This is absurd.

I don’t know why men keep failing on this front: “Patiently explain to your women friends that, as much as you super super care about their safety, men’s social anxiety and ignorance are two get-out-of-creeping-free cards that absolve men like Steve—and by extension, literally any dude Steve knows—of any responsibility to make women feel respected and welcome in social interactions. That way, you won’t have to do any social or emotional lifting, which is women’s work, anyway. They’ll probably love it!

Memory isn’t just an act of retrieval, but of reconstruction.

What horrible adoptive parents, and what a failure of our immigration policies

Owl wearing a witch’s hat

A video posted by KuuOwl フクロウのくうちゃん (ニシアメ) (@kuuowl) on

4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: behatted owl edition”

  1. Thanks for including! I feel the love! (ps – best owl video on the interwebs!)
    Maggie @ Northern Expenditure recently posted…October 2016 Plan UpdateMy Profile

  2. ROFL. That owl made my night! Thank you so much for the shout out. You’re too kind.
    Penny @ She Picks Up Pennies recently posted…Power Over Life: Best Money SpentMy Profile

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