By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: polar bear and dog edition

December 8, 2016


Hiding $400M – more and more I’m reminded that people with an obscene amount of wealth are bizarre and trend towards being not really good people. This piece was fascinating from a money systems point of view.

We were just visited by the book fair mobile at daycare and I was pondering how we would handle it when JuggerBaby is old enough to care. I love Chief Mom Officer’s philosophy.

Negotiating tactic: Having a ridiculous reason is just as good as as a good reason? Weird.


I recently watched Netflix’s Jessica Jones and it was really well done. Looks like Brian Michael Bendis is coming back for another round.

I really like burros. Add goat and you’ve got a winner.

Our photographer friend, Maryam, is just the absolute best. And her daughter’s Totoro camping pajamas are, too.


Cloud is taking real actions on the political front and I sincerely appreciate her taking the time to write this all out so I can borrow some actions.

Mmmhmm, Asian patriarchy can go right to hell. This is why I reacted so strongly to Dad’s “you should have a boy” nonsense when I was pregnant.

Childhood amnesia

Also thanks to Cloud, this New Yorker article on how Italian women dealt with their version of PEOTUS, Berlusconi, was somewhat heartening.

On the other hand, the war against drug dealing in the Philippines is really just government sanctioned death squads for the citizens and this is horrific. People wonder why we fear the depths to which America can sink and assume this can’t happen here. It sure can.

Polar bear says hi, dog

4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: polar bear and dog edition”

  1. Oh, the “boys carry on the name” thing. My mother told me this as a child, in explanation for why I didn’t get to be in the “generational” picture my grandfather wanted with my dad and my brother. It made me angry then, and I know it’s ridiculous now–and I say that as someone who chose to change her name when she got married. Still makes me angry, though. Names don’t make families.

    Re: book fairs. I never got everything I wanted, but I did get plenty. And even before I was in school, I learned something: on trips to Toys ‘R’ Us, my brother rarely got the toys he impulsively wanted, but I could always always always get a book. Not all the books, but one. Maybe two, on a really good trip. I like the emphasis on choosing how to spend money in that link. There are lots of things I can’t afford, and lots of other things I “can’t”–but the latter category is either (a) things that aren’t a priority for me, or (b) things I could have chosen to buy if I hadn’t already chosen to buy other things. I have no problem saying that I can’t buy something when I can’t, but I try to specify that I’m *not* buying something when it’s a question of choice.
    Tragic Sandwich recently posted…Happy Halloween, 2016My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      They took a generational picture and left you out?? That would keep make me angry too!

      I do try to specify when I “can’t” because it’s a choice between that and a much more important goal but I think it’ll be a little while before JuggerBaby understands the distinction.

  2. I’m glad you like my idea! I like to try to find ordinary moments (like book fairs) to help my kids learn about money. Boring lectures would just go in one ear and out the other. šŸ™‚

    • Revanche says:

      It’s true – they have short attention spans and lectures don’t tend to take very well. We grew up on lectures but not on money, so I have some experience on what takes and what doesn’t.

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