By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Serenity review edition

January 5, 2017



Reading Root of Good’s annual budget from the beginning of 2016. I’m an aspirational retiree. We can’t hit a $40,000 annual spending budget with two households, even if we did manage to kill off the mortgage soon, but I like finding ways to stretch my thinking and our money.

I wonder what happens to Pierre Cardin’s company and other businesses if no one buys them before he passes, and what kind of estate taxes they’d be subject to.  He’s clearly not hurting for money.

This experiment on hiring doesn’t surprise me at all: “It turned out that not only did both recruiters and engineers largely fail at predicting who the strong candidates were, but, much more importantly, no one could even agree on what a strong candidate looked like in the first place.”


Nerding out on a nerding movie: How Not to Build a Digital Archive: Lessons from the Dark Side of the Force

Before and after “good boy/girl” pictures

I stumbled across this old post about husbands not being children and it’s awesome. Finally! A man who thinks the culture of cosseting and infantilizing men is absurd!

52 gifs of Michelle Obama


If you ever wondered about how Jewish vampires could survive…

I’m just drinking up all of Carrie Fisher’s words.

Abusive relationships = House full of bees

Movies with Mikey: Serenity

2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Serenity review edition”

  1. That House full of bees article made me feel 1000x better about a decision I made this Christmas break.
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Grumpy Rumblings 2016 Year in bloggingMy Profile

  2. Sense says:

    Nice vid! I finally played my Firefly board game over the hols, after owning it for 2+ years. It takes a ton of effort to set up and play initially, but I think it has the potential to be pretty epic.

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