By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: tiny octopus edition

January 19, 2017



What do you think of this? “…80 percent of women and 70 percent of men say that they want a relationship with “flexible gender boundaries” and prefer sharing over specialization.”

We specialize more than share but we also do a better job of dividing the thinking and non-thinking things as well. Except the money stuff. That’s MINE.

I expected this to fall under another category but Constance Wu on acting turned into a lesson on knowing yourself and having meaning in your life that isn’t about material things.



What many million American families are having to consider under the incoming administration

An experiment with gendered clothing

SOS Children’s Villages in Illinois sound like an amazing concept

Gerry Conway on money, American myths, and the myth of personal exceptionalism:

“Unfortunately, when history demanded that the benefits of the American social compact be extended to embrace everyone in America and not just white people, America decided it was time to break the compact and establish a new order:

The Myth of the Individual Hero.

Once African Americans demanded to participate fully in the social compact, white Americans decided the compact didn’t exist. Rather than share the benefits, white Americans insisted there was no social compact and never had been, for anyone – that Individualism was the Real American Way. Ignoring the realities of their own lives, middle class and blue collar Americans turned against the vision of the American Dream as a shared destiny.”

Octopus, in living colors!

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