By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Mary Poppins edition

January 26, 2017



Can you imagine being the only person who looks like or thinks like you in your field? I’ve been the only Asian woman in most of my jobs over 17 years and it’s not nearly as bad for me as it has been for black women. A look into the issues today that Hidden Figures (which I really want to see) highlights: I don’t know if I have words to describe what it’s like to have people make you invisible because you are already so invisible. And for them to say, “You’re already non-existent, so let’s not talk about how non-existent you are.” It doesn’t even make sense, but it’s also extremely psychologically painful.

Taylor discovers that it can be complicated to nurture a habit of giving when you’ve been on the edge too long

This scary rabbit hole of marketers is why I don’t have a public social media profile, don’t share my real cell phone number for discounts, and limit my real information out there as much as I can.


Mikki Kendall on owls

Good Omens has finally been adapted for TV and I’m torn between anticipation and grouchiness that an estranged friend borrowed the book and never returned it.

A hotel room with no walls (or roof)? An adventure for some. Sounds like a nightmare to me.


With our interest in The Crown, and my intense interest in planning, naturally I had to read about what happens when Queen Elizabeth passes. It’s amazing that she’s been Sovereign for over 60 years. Also can you imagine training your whole life for a job you still can’t do at age 68? What a weird life Prince Charles must have.

Vaginal jade eggs???? Never ever ever EVER take advice on medicine or biology from Gwyneth Paltrow, y’all. Never.

On the subject of health, a new superbug is freaking me out: The researchers found that this class of bacteria, CREs — that’s short for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae — has more ways to evade antibiotics than have been currently identified, and that these bugs share their tricks readily across the families of bacteria that make up this grouping.

Roots of home economics: At the turn of the century, home economics wasn’t the province of high-school girls or 1950s housewives. Rather, it was a budding discipline that embodied the Progressive ideals of some of the first women to become professional academics.

The new administration is even scaring children at a fundamental level: The third-graders in Alicia Permenter’s class are mostly 8 years old and have known only one president.

Like many children their age, they have heard his name slip off their parents’ lips their entire lives. But unlike their peers, they have studied his polices in-depth as part of a class research project, so words such as “preexisting condition” roll with ease out of their young mouths.

Hackathons hosted to archive scientific and environmental data that’s going to be scrubbed by the incoming administration

A spoonful of sugar

This animation holds up surprisingly well.

7 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Mary Poppins edition”

  1. We’ve tried to see hidden figures 2x. The first time was MLK day so it wasn’t surprising we couldn’t get in, but we thought we’d be able to go last Sunday and boy did that not happen. Weekend lines are insane, even for matinees.
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Books for #2’s DC1My Profile

  2. NZ Muse says:

    Started seeing tweets about Hidden Figures and wondered – what is that? Now the big publicity machine is officially underway here. I can’t wait to see it – definitely a slice of history that is brand new to me.

    Not many Asians in my field, either. It’s female dominated so slightly more likely to see fellow women than men but we are a rare crowd indeed. With the swelling Asian population here and their growing importance I feel like people often look to me for my perspective and help, and as a near total banana who only speaks English I feel like I’m not ‘earning my keep’ as the token Asian in those instances.
    NZ Muse recently posted…Get your money mojo back with these 8 quick financial winsMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I hope you get to see it!

      You don’t need to speak another language to represent 🙂 It doesn’t matter what we speak, in these situations, it’s about showing that we can perform just as well as anyone else.

  3. Sense says:

    I got to see an early screening of Hidden Figures–I loved it. It is so good! Particularly for women in STEM, and to inspire people to stand up for equal human rights. I was tearing up slightly by, and during, the credits.

    I did find it weird that it was set in the 60’s and NO ONE was smoking inside, though. #inaccurate but I guess not as good a message to include cancer sticks…

    • Revanche says:

      Some feedback mentioned that the movie downplayed the true level of sexism the women faced, but I hope the true challenges they faced were true enough to life to get the message across.

  4. Maybe they’ll make the Asian woman version of Hidden Figures in 30 years. Hang in there, you will overcome. And don’t doubt that other people are noticing and taking inspiration from you.
    Personal Finance King recently posted…Seven Insurance Commandments for Thrifty (Cheap) PeopleMy Profile

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