By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: dogs meeting cutes edition

March 30, 2017



I don’t know about you but I’m sick of society telling Little Bit and other girls that she’s not enough because she’s a girl.

I really wanted to go on a JoCo cruise but felt like I just wasn’t nerdy enough to truly enjoy it while still being an introvert. Instead I’ll nerd out over the money part of it.

Crystal does a totally useful rundown of major expenses you might be able to trim.

Loss of sleep is bad for you, but it’s also really bad for your money. I learned this lesson the hard way in the past, too, but Grayson’s bill was a bit larger than my $50 check error.


Cute babies

This travel pillow has me laughing – who would ever use this?


The story of this mother and baby home in Ireland just broke my heart.

Half your brain stays awake when you sleep in a strange place – this explains something I’ve noticed in almost all my business trips! Depending on the location, the effect actually might last 2-4 days for me, though, not just the first night.

Do children not learn about indentured servitude anymore? We knew from age 8 that indentured servitude is NOT slavery. The former is a temporary condition where you promise your labor for a set period of time whether you like or agree to the idea or not but you’re still a human, the latter is when you’re property and not human!

Kids think if they aren’t being outright unkind, they are being nice. We know better. Connect the ugly dots. Explain the social survival instinct that’s often motivating and guiding their impulses. I promise you, they can handle it.” This article isn’t covering all the nuances of child behavior but it’s a great introduction to how parents should consider intervening when their children are young. There’s some misguided notion that kids should manage their friendships entirely on their own and don’t need to be taught more about how to think beyond themselves – and that does allow the bullying culture to flourish.

Dogs meeting cute animals

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: dogs meeting cutes edition”

  1. Sense says:

    I knew it!! (re: the crappy sleep article)

    I have ALWAYS told people I don’t sleep well the first night in a new place, as a matter of course. Now there is actual science to back it up. 🙂

    JoCo sounds really fun! I’m with you on the introversion thing and generally skeptical of cruises, though (never been on one but I am not a huge fan of travel package tours, and cruises sound like an extreme version of a travel package group tour).

    • Revanche says:

      You know, I have that same concern about cruises. I don’t trust deep water to begin with but add the inability to leave the cruise until the end and I feel trapped!

  2. I love the article about intervening more. I know there’s a lot of fear of being labeled a helicopter parent, but this isn’t it. I can tell you from a teacher perspective what a huge difference it makes to work with kiddos in middle school who get character education at home. Don’t get me wrong. That’s my job, too, but it’s so much easier when schools and families co-teach kindness 🙂
    Penny @ She Picks Up Pennies recently posted…The Inheritance That I Never SpentMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I agree! I’ve seen helicoptering but that’s intervening where you’re preventing the kid from failing or making mistakes they can recover from. This is about learning how to have character and empathy – kids don’t just download an app for that!

  3. OMG! The neighbors now think I’m crazy and it’s all your fault! 😀 I’m sitting on the front porch…click on the link to the “travel pillow”…and start to guffaw out loud!
    Funny about Money recently posted…March showers bring April winds…My Profile

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