By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: hedgehog boat edition

June 1, 2017


Sometimes, I give really good advice about negotiating!

A commencement speech you didn’t know we needed with a bonus song

But “graduating into a terrible world” is a wonderfuller speech

Three ways to make decisions when you’re not sure about them.

This version of separate bank accounts is a horrifying way to conduct family money

How did Houston lose track of $39M?? And Houston isn’t the only city that’s got these problems, either.

Chinese Rights Activists are jailed in secret

Amazing profile of Missy Elliott

How Houston has become the most diverse place in America

This is a gross thing that Orb is doing and I’d have a hat, sunglasses, and other disguisey things for all of us pronto:

“These cameras are used to track and identify the behaviours of everyone who walks by — you’ll find no signs up to explain this. Children are also included in their profiling, which I discovered based on a conversation I’ve had with Orb on the phone…. Ultimately, Orb are already profiling hundreds of thousands of Dubliners ever month, in great detail, without our permission, and then they selling this data to advertisers.”

Hedgehog boat

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: hedgehog boat edition”

  1. Jax says:

    Those separate bank accounts-yikes! My partner and I have a joint account for the house and maintain our own accounts individually. We take turns treating each other as we’re able-if one of us doesn’t have the money for dinner out or whatever then we just don’t do it. If we’re invited to something that will cost money, we’ll negotiate who pays what. I could never accept an “allowance” from my partner, and I don’t think he would be okay with one either. We might not let our paychecks mingle, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a responsibility to each other to make sure both of us are taken care of.

    • Revanche says:

      I can accept an allowance if we BOTH get one paid out by our household account – that’s fair. But that link – ewww.

  2. Re: shared accounts. Mr. Sandwich and I share all of our accounts.

    Oh, not true. I have two that his name isn’t on. There isn’t much in them, and I neither add nor subtract from them. Clearly I have forgotten that they are there. I get why it can be a good idea to have separate accounts, and I see how they can work really well, but this article makes it clear that this system can also be abused.

    What is the solution, however, beyond “don’t marry a jackass”? That’s pretty glib as a solution. No one sets out to marry a jackass.

    Re: Orb. So, Minority Report is here. That is dismaying.

    Re: Houston. I’ve heard this about its diversity, but seen no documentation. Very interesting. I still don’t like the city, mind you, but I like this thing about the city. Also, having lived in Texas for a number of years, I hope that more people there elect more leaders who care about the state, the people, and the future. There are some fantastic things about Texas, but there are some reasons why I cannot imagine living there again, at least not at this time.

    • Revanche says:

      I’ve transferred most of our accounts into the trust, but I do have a couple accounts that are just mine like with the blog money.

      Maybe it’s both “don’t marry a jackass” and “be willing to stand up for yourself”? Because the latter would help you with the former.

      I share your hope about Texas.

  3. There is just too much that can go wrong with separate bank accounts. I have a friend that has a separate bank account from her husband. He is not saving at all for retirement and it definitely looks like they’ll have some problems later in life since they’re not on the same page financially. It’s unfortunate.
    Mustard Seed Money recently posted…Please Stop Spoiling My KidMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I’ve seen some very successful separate accounting systems but they succeed because at the heart of it, the partners agree on mutual goals and respect each other. This is totally not that situation, nor does it sound like your friend’s, unfortunately.

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