By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: sneaky owl edition

October 19, 2017

If this week has a theme, it’s emergency preparedness! So what do you think of Lily’s exercise in preparing for the second Great Depression? Do you think it’s likely to happen again in the next 10, 20, 30 years?

Big Law: “Those institutions are built on a pile of broken dreams and paralyzed children. They are towers of stolen money and lives. And the bulk of their activities which are not downright sinister are simply parasitic. They’re vampire squids wrapped around the face of humanity.”

Liz at Chief Mom Office answered my question about how to teach kids about money.

A hard but good read on estrangement and grieving

How do you find time to cook / eat healthy meals? Sherry’s got an amazing routine down for feeding her family when you’re a busy parent. I may steal a few pages from her book!

Sarah Gailey’s “Women of Harry Potter: Ginny Weasley Is Not Impressed” is a must read.

Sneaky owl!

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: sneaky owl edition”

  1. I hope my advice is helpful once your kids are out of the stage where they’re still learning the most important lesson-we don’t eat money.

    My two year old is still learning that particular lesson.
    Liz@ChiefMomOfficer recently posted…Breadwinning, Six Figure, Millionaire Moms – RevancheMy Profile

  2. 1. What in the world is that? Looks like a playful human boy with feathers (my phone is 7 years old and the screen is shattered so haha…maybe that’s suppose to be an owl.)
    2. Thanks for the shout out! I love that post personally because it’s just a doomsday conversation with my lovely husband hehe. The market just seems too overpriced, maybe a correction. Hopefully not another death jump like in 08!

  3. Quest says:

    Estrangement and grieving, there is a LOT of good common sense in that article. Oftentimes, familial relationships are so damaged that no good can come of a reunion. I found that out the hard way and I am preparing for my mother’s death knowing that I will never be able to see her while my father is alive and hovering over her like a black widow. It’s difficult but that’s the way it is. Thank you for posting that link!
    Quest recently posted…Disaster PreparednessMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I remember you going through that situation with your own parents when I think of these estrangements, and my estranged family. We’ve had a heck of a time with family, haven’t we?

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