By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: winter rains edition

March 22, 2018

We’re finally getting winter weather hereabouts, and the Sierras are getting snowpack! As a drought state, as much as I don’t enjoy slogging through the wet, I eagerly watch weather reports every winter hoping we’ll get enough snow and rain to refill our reservoirs.


I’d never heard of Mary Seats of Cupcake Mafia before. She seems awesome.

Salted Butter and Chocolate Chunk Shortbread, anyone?

I much appreciated Yet Another PF Blog’s coverage of last year’s purchases. Steering clear of those sweater mittens, albeit sadly.

It’s a strange phenomenon, but millionaires swear that the more they give, the more will come back to them.“:  2018 is all about 6 and 8. For the first time in my life, I’m going to trust more in the belief that giving back, as the right thing to do with our good fortune, will work out for us in the end, and focus less on keeping the numbers under our strict control. This is a fuzzy sort of thought I’ve never had before and I hope it pans out.

Tanja’s after my ultra risk averse heart with the side hustle year now that that they’ve retired.

Didn’t science say that sharing your goals makes you accountable more likely to complete them? Trello’s got several reasons why sharing goals might be counterproductive. I haven’t pinpointed exactly why that’s how it works for me but I usually don’t share too many goals ahead of doing a good amount of work on them first to ensure that I will follow through. When I prematurely share, I never start. Is that you?

8 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: winter rains edition”

  1. Thanks for the link!

    Between the recipe you posted and the one Luxe posted the other day, I’m pretty sure the universe is telling me I should make shortbread cookies. That’s how that works, right?
    Yet Another PF Blog recently posted…Are You A Past, Present, Or Future Thinker?My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      They’re the same recipe! So it’s DEFINITELY the universe is telling you to make them. Please make them.

  2. Love Tanja’s posts this week so much. Risk averse here as well, so she speaks to my never-bet-on-any-aspect-of-my-life heart in this one.
    Angela @ Tread Lightly Retire Early recently posted…Friday’s Frugal Five (2018 – Week 12)My Profile

  3. SP says:

    Will someone make those cookies for me? They look super yummy, but too fussy for me. 🙂 Like, I’m just not that picky about cookies that I would go through the extra effort of making these, even though i fully believe they’d be really good!
    SP recently posted…Bathroom Remodel (almost) complete!My Profile

  4. Thanks for the mention, Revanche!

    I was just in Big Bear Lake the past few days and the lake is so low. Are we already headed back into a drought? Same ole same ole in Cali.

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