By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Raccoon-cat edition

May 3, 2018

Happy 2 years to Couple of Sense!

I hate the headline but I adore Chrissy Teigen so I read this interview anyway

The Personal Finance space needs to start looking a lot more representative of us, and less like just a group of wealthy white males. We’re done with the commodification of women in this world.

California’s droughts and deluges portend the weather “whiplash” to come

The number one cause of death at work for women? I’ll give you three guesses.

Southwest compensates the passengers of that terrible flight where an engine exploded due to metal stress.

JAEGER AUNTIES (fabulous short fiction by @casskhaw): What to Do When It’s Nothing but Static

Stacey Abrams’ debt shouldn’t disqualify her for running for governor. Point one: the life she describes – supporting her parents who took in her young niece, student loans, etc – is a hugely familiar story to me. It’s repeated over and over in my family and doesn’t mean that the person in debt is bad or makes bad decisions. It means that they feel responsibility well beyond what the average American feels to their community and they do their best to step up. Ignoring the fact that many others in our country are burdened by similar kinds of debt is shameful and stupid. Point two: people tend to assume that being in difficult financial straits will push you toward corruption. I point you to our President and countless politicians who don’t have debt and are happily lining their pockets with lobbyist money. At least her debt comes from trying to do the right thing.

Just act like a cat

10 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Raccoon-cat edition”

  1. I’m afraid we’re going to have to steal some of these links this week. Great list!
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…RBOCMy Profile

  2. SP says:

    Really great links this week – I enjoyed so many of them! In fact, I’m going to have to blame you for not getting my morning started on time 😉
    SP recently posted…March (and February) Wrap UpMy Profile

  3. Oh, that raccoon!

    And Chrissy Teigen really is awesome.

  4. GYM says:

    Great round up! Loved Penny’s post!

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