By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: hedgie on a trip edition

January 17, 2019

Just a little link love

Tressie McMillan Cottom’s piece hit me right in the gut: I Was Pregnant and in Crisis. All the Doctors and Nurses Saw Was an Incompetent Black Woman

A lovely reading list from 2018.

Ann Foster on Margaret Beaufort

Rich and Regular went to CampFI.

Lesbian couple to marry 26 times abroad to call for equality in Japan

I adored Good Omens, the book, I hope the show is fabulous.

An incredibly interesting story about the history of how the oil industry was developed in Norway by an Iraqi man, and how much good came from a number of unpredictable events.

Hamilton opens in Puerto Rico – my heart overfloweth.

A Beautiful Highly Realistic Japanese Kirie Octopus Delicately Cut From a Single Piece of Paper

James Brown and a legacy of abuse

I want someone to slap that higher-up and those colleagues across the face many times for this.

Frogdancer talks about her life-altering decision to leave her marriage. I wish I could comment but I don’t want to accidentally out myself since I’m sharing with friends who are facing similar circumstances and may need the boost of knowing this can be done and how.

Katelyn Ohashi, I Was Broken – her recent performance was breathtakingly extraordinary but it was made more so by the joy she has now. This video of her finding her joy again, whew: “There was a time where I was on top of the world, an Olympic hopeful. I was unbeatable. Until I wasn’t.


Who knew Reddit had good stuff?

Hedgehog sitting in a zucchini car with carrot wheels and steering wheel

10 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: hedgie on a trip edition”

  1. Oh lord, the McMillan Cottom piece. How awful.

    My DH is addicted to cat pictures on Reddit, so it can’t be all bad…
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Do you want to read about a buff male nanny?My Profile

  2. Thanks for including me. I hope it helps your friend.
    I saw “Margaret Beaufort” and had to jump across and read it. I LOVE English history.
    What a fabulous website! I’ve bookmarked it to rummage around in it further.
    Frogdancer Jones recently posted…When the rug gets pulled out from under you.My Profile

  3. The Margaret Beaufort link was great! If you aren’t already familiar with it, you might like Anne Thériault’s “Queens of Infamy” series on Longreads:
    Tragic Sandwich recently posted…Resolutions? Word of the Year? Bring It On, 2019My Profile

  4. The Cottom piece is hair-raising. I wonder…could part of the difference in the way she was treated be that White women would be more likely to call a lawyer? If that had been me, I would’ve sued every a$$ in sight all the way into the next century. Whether she was fobbed off because she was Black or because she was being little-womaned, the outcome was the same: malpractice. Every practitioner who saw her from the time she first began complaining of pain and bleeding should hear from her lawyer.

    And speaking of call a lawyer, the “higher-up” piece was so far beyond the pale…I don’t think I’e EVER seen so many comments in response to a blog post.

    Amazing round-up this week, Revanche!!!

    • Revanche says:

      It’s a damn shame but I think this was a pretty clear cut case of racism. To my eyes, she was treated that way because she’s a Black woman and they didn’t care if she’d pull out the legal guns. Heck, even Serena Williams – the foremost woman athlete who has to know her own body – was treated like she didn’t know what she was talking about medically and she could certainly afford legal action.

      Even if Tressie had been able, or up to pursuing legal action, I sincerely doubt the justice system would have afforded her any justice or repercussions for the perpetrators.

  5. Xin says:

    I love Katelyn’s routines and the UCLA gymnastic team’s presence on Youtube. They seem to be having so much fun with it, and to have great coaches. Out of all the awful news and happenings of recent years, one of the things that’s really struck me has been all the terrible things, the culture of abusive coaching, how many adults turned a blind eye to so many bad things, etc. in elite-level USA gymnastics, particularly women’s gymnastics. I’m just so horrified at all the adults who should have known better, but didn’t do anything.
    Xin recently posted…Podcasts I Like LatelyMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Yes, agreed absolutely. I’m so glad to see what looks like a healthy culture and even more so because of all the revelations of abuse that we find that “responsible” adults have allowed to flourish.

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