By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: dog and calf friends edition

May 30, 2019

Just a little link love

Many ways to help protect reproductive rights.

Petite Aitza on anti-Blackness and Black privilege in Europe.

Kassandra took a huge risk with ditching her job and she doesn’t regret it one bit. I took a professional risk years ago and it’s been well worth it for us as well. What risks have you taken that paid off?

Protect your accounts.

I remember the pain in this scene so clearly: Uncle Phil from ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ may be the best TV dad in history — this scene proves it

I adored APW long before I was thinking marriage and long after, so it piques my interest that Meg is going to do a vow renewal. That seems like it could be a lot of fun for the right people.  Would that be a thing you’d enjoy doing? I wonder what interval of time would feel appropriate to do a renewal (for us, if we were ever into the idea).

Men are responsible for 100% of unwanted pregnancies.

I find it kind of annoying that JB used to eat eat zir veggies, and is now going through an “I don’t like it” phase. I should be glad that it took so long to kick in.


Gentle dog and calf

5 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: dog and calf friends edition”

  1. Thanks for the link!

    Great set this week– the Fresh Prince one made me tear up and the black American in Spain one was super interesting.

    Hungry Monkey is a really fascinating look at picky eating in kids. Apparently it usually starts when kids gain the ability to categorize things and if generally ignored goes away when they get better at categorizing. (For most kids– not counting kids with sensory issues, super tasters, or other reasons for pickiness besides green things #notallgreenthings being potentially dangerous)
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Creative Sushi at home that worksMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Yeah we just ignore the “pickiness” for the most part, other than “you just need to eat a minimum for nutrition” and it comes and goes. This seems to be a normal thing.

      • It was so funny when DH (age 3) decided zie disliked all green food, like literally, ALL green food, and then one day we forced hir to take just one lick of an apple lolly-pop and you could *see* the lights go on in hir brain that not all green food was bad.
        nicoleandmaggie recently posted…Creative Sushi at home that worksMy Profile

  2. Kris says:

    I watched that ‘Fresh Prince’ episode when it first aired and it was so touching that I cried a bit and I rarely do that. I even cried again watching that scene just now.
    That was the moment where Will Smith turned from just an rapper/comedian to a more versatile actor. He played that very well and love that he improvised some of it too. James Avery was great as well by knowing that Will may get emotional based on their communication beforehand and thus play off it by hugging him, such a powerful scene and most memorable one from the show.

    • Revanche says:

      I didn’t know anything about Will Smith at the time that I watched it, but I think it’s definitely one of those defining moments in his career that really hit home.

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