By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: fantasy vs magic edition

July 4, 2019

Just a little link love

Emily Guy Birken on anchoring.

Sarah’s savings order of operations.

Wishing YAPFB the best of luck in the job hunt.

I’m excited for Done by Forty and family, they’re planning to pay off their mortgage. *wistful sigh* That seems like fun.

I’m also so excited for Moriah Joy!

And congrats to the Cents family!

I didn’t know coin pyramids were a thing.

Nicole Cliffe’s interview with Alanis Morissette. Nicole’s writing style fools me into thinking I know her, and her subject. I don’t.

These stats made me laugh because neither of us have this much luxury of down time DAILY. But I don’t consider the hour(s) I spend reading at night down time since it’s really “I am trying to fall asleep” time: “In 2018, the average working woman spent three hours 45 minutes each day relaxing or exercising, down from the previous year. Working mothers spent about 15 minutes less on such activities.

By contrast, working men allocated around four hours 40 minutes to leisure and sports, while fathers enjoyed about four hours downtime each day.

Meanwhile: “Working eight hours a week is the “recommended dose” for optimum mental wellbeing, British scientists claim.” I could get on board with that if I could keep my salary. Being poor or house poor is a lot worse for my mental health than working 45 hours a week.

Fantasy vs. Magic realism

10 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: fantasy vs magic edition”

  1. Thanks Revanche!
    Yet Another PF Blog recently posted…Financial Update – June 2019My Profile

  2. … I thought the psychology experiment on the anchoring heuristic turned out to be unreproducible. I stopped teaching it in class (which was a relief because the in-class exercise replication never worked).
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…RBOCMy Profile

  3. Thanks for the link love, friend. I know this isn’t something everyone can do: we live in a very low COL area, and we’ve been lucky to have a job that pays way more than average, to boot. Those two things make us ridiculously privileged and it’s that stuff, not our frugality or our investing prowess, that is making FIRE happen.
    Done by Forty recently posted…So We’re Going to Pay Off the MortgageMy Profile

  4. Sarah says:

    I would love to pay off my mortgage early, but even a six-figure payment would barely affect how much time is left. I’m sure your situation is just as bleak – probably moreso. Just have to remember to pursue my own goals…

    Thank you for the link!
    Sarah recently posted…Working through Work Optional: Part 1My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      TRUTH. A six figure payment would make a difference but it would take multiple to take it down to anything like a real reduced horizon. We’re in good company, at least?

  5. Kris says:

    Thanks for the link!! So much going on in our household. In addition to the newborn, our 3 year old is at his ‘Terrible Threes’ stage, not fun!! I know the term is ‘Terrible Twos’ but ours is a year late. 😐

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