By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (27)

August 16, 2019

Good Things Friday (1)

This is my weekly list of things that were good this week, even if they weren’t all unadulteratedly good things. Please do share your good things in the comments!

1. Last week, we had the pleasure of a short visit from faraway friends and it was so lovely. PiC hadn’t met them before but he’s always game, and so is JB, so everyone was happy.

2. Seamus isn’t happy with me these days. He’s got an eye condition that requires eye ointment 2-4 times a day and he hates it. He actively resists me when it’s time for medication which is highly unusual behavior for him. To make up for it, I spent time sitting on the ground with his head in my lap for a while, petting him, and JB joined me for petting time.

3. We had a delightful weekend visit with our friend and her baby. All the infant cuteness! Baby and I made a mess together with finger foods.

4. JB received a brand new jigsaw puzzle with 100 pieces and we worked it together. I realize that without a kid around, I might have a lot more time but I’d also forget to do fun things like puzzles and coloring.

5. Two weekends in a row now, I’ve had to lie down both afternoons. I feel a lot less guilty about it when JB and PiC also have a lie down it turns out.

6. I really needed something to get my brain out of the rage-depression-funk so I’ve been trying to make things to redirect my brain. I’ve been noodling these around for over a year trying to come up with good ones and finally felt like maybe it was ok to share here. What do you think?

A little something for…
Those of us with medical mysteries (white text on dark and black text on light),
The voracious readers among us,
Our cat-lovers,
Another one for cat-lovers,
Our dog-lovers, and
Pibble fans.

:: What are some of your good things?

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