By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Shang Chi edition

August 1, 2019

Just a little link love

Wudan tries to hold late paying publications accountable. They are fairly unprofessional about it.

Gouda and Pumpkin: a very good cat story (via tweet thread)

Brooklyn Bread went on a two week vacation. This sounds lovely.

Kate must be selling things like hotcakes. Her pitches are amazing.

Wishing NZMuse all the best of luck with job-hunting.

I love hearing how separate finances work for people. We started out separate and I assumed I’d want to keep it that way (pride, independence, etc) but our money set-up evolved as we matured as a couple because part of that process was me admitting unabashedly that I’m a control freak and so separate finances made me unhappy. PiC wasn’t bothered either way but he does appreciate the fact that I’ll go great lengths to grow our money and it just requires communication on his part to keep things working well. I relish my role as the CFO and controller of all monies and think it’s funny I ever deluded myself into thinking I wouldn’t want to be. It makes a huge difference that we earn almost similar salaries, though. It’s tough when there are great disparities in incomes and also disparities in what each part of the couple wants to spend.

We also agree that if we ever get divorced, we split the money down the middle, period. Doesn’t matter what we brought into the marriage or who did what with how much during the marriage. We will split equally and prioritize our child’s needs if ze is still a minor. Discussing things like this when we still love and respect each other will, I hope, help us behave as a mature adults should we ever have to split.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg: Outlasting the naysayers

Ginsburg’s iconic status with women, in particular, and her leadership of the liberal wing of the Supreme Court mean any health news involving the tiny, 86-year-old justice can cause something of a panic in certain quarters.

Ginsburg is not oblivious to health concerns, but she waves away worries about her future.

“There was a senator, I think it was after my pancreatic cancer, who announced with great glee that I was going to be dead within six months,” she recalled. “That senator, whose name I have forgotten, is now himself dead, and I,” she added with a smile, “am very much alive.”

Casting of Shang Chi

I really like Simu in Kim’s Convenience and look forward to him as Shang Chi. I’m much less enthused about Awkwafina.

2 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Shang Chi edition”

  1. I don’t think it’s possible for me to love RBG any more. That quotation is gold!
    Solitary Diner recently posted…When the Body Says No, ReallyMy Profile

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