By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: cat touchdown edition

November 14, 2019

Just a little link love

***FYI: I am collecting donations for our Lakota families until Nov 17th. Details in the Giving paragraph. Half of any proceeds from the blog during this time (see sidebar) will also be added to those donations.***

Ali’s money background story resonates so strongly.

How are you preparing for holiday spending and avoiding holiday debt?

I very much appreciate these thoughts on consciously resting.

Thefts in Potrero Hill. I had trouble getting through this story because everything about it was frustrating.

Yes, I am in the cozy season: blanket, small heater, baked some bread.

Sarah Gailey’s story of living with chronic pain felt like she was me. And I would choose to be Away almost all the time too. To be able to choose when to be in pain, to be able to choose to take risks that could result in pain, because you know it’ll fade away is an unbelievable luxury that I don’t remember. I can’t remember not having to calculate how much I’ll pay for each exertion, and each choice, and everything I want to do, down to laying down at a particular angle.

Billie Lourd on Becoming the Keeper of Princess Leia. I wasn’t old enough to love Leia in real time when the movies first came out but I came to the Star Wars universe around the 90s and loved her, and General Organa, and Carrie Fisher. This article made me tear up.

This architect doesn’t live in the real world and also is an idiot: “The super see-through material, Tschapeller said, challenges the idea of the floor as most stable elements in architecture. When I told him that I could see clear up into the stacks at other students, he urged visitors to respect each other—no creeping permitted.

I thought our dentist was bad at this online booking system thing – they require a separate email address for everyone, including minor children. Sorry y’all, my 3 year old doesn’t get an email address!

Costco says: You have to set up a separate account with a separate email address for my DOG.

Meanwhile, Costco has been touting their pet prescription refills and THEY want my dog to have a separate email address. Really. There’s no better way to do this, like, perhaps a PET sub-profile?


Cat Touchdown

8 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: cat touchdown edition”

  1. Oh goodness, that package theft story is really getting to me. Man whose plant was taken: “I’m a full-blown socialist, but I’m also for law and order.” Erego, the most reasonable response is a self-imposed, corporately sponsored surveillance state through Ring, Nextdoor, etc? Arghhhh.
    Yet Another PF Blog recently posted…Financial Update – October 2019My Profile

  2. Alice says:

    That library actually makes me angry, as someone who practically lived at the university library in college.

    The semi see-through floor is a problem because of upskirting and also because–as the article notes– the floor is permeable, which means damage to the books and muck on people in the winter. The books themselves appear to go high enough up that people aren’t going to be able to reach the upper shelves without stools higher than the standard kickstool. (And will kickstools even run across that floor?) And the visual openness would creep me the heck out: I would not be happy being able to see through to below while on an upper level and I think it would be really difficult to feel comfortable standing on a stool/ladder to reach the upper shelves that are near the edges. And, seriously, no room for study carrels at a university library? And it houses less than half of the library’s collection! Whoever was on the committee that picked that design should have been stopped.

    About the only plus I can see is that it’s a department-specific library and not the main library. Hopefully their main library is not so nuts.

    • Revanche says:

      I’m still mad about it. Terrible accessibility in so many ways even for able bodied people but definitely no good for disabled people, terrible for anyone who wears skirts, just terrible.

  3. I hate architects that don’t subscribe to form following function. Why do universities continue to give them money?? I’d much rather have a cheap ugly concrete square that does its job and is comfy on the inside than an unusable work of art from a top architect.
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…RBOCMy Profile

  4. That poor kitty!

    That library reminds me of a subsidized housing unit in my city. The architect wanted to do “something different”, and so spread the units out over four stories. He won multiple awards for his design, but it is so impractical that people refuse to live there. People who are desperate for low-cost housing won’t even live in them. Argh.
    Solitary Diner recently posted…How to RestMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I couldn’t tell if that kitty was scared or VERY pleased with itself.

      Re: architect. Ugh that is so terrible, what a total waste!

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