By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: dog trio and cat edition

April 9, 2020

If you’d like to join me in helping Lakota families and/or rural libraries this year, please read this post. Over 6 weeks in 2019, we raised $2669.94 for the Lakota families, touching 27 lives. What can we do in 2020?

Current total: Lakota, $640.74; Rural libraries, $321.62.

Just a little link love

Middle Class Revolution remembering being caught up in the liar loan euphoria

Mush! Dog Team Delivers Supplies To Elderly Residents Shut In By Virus

I loved this (thanks Cloud!): Tips From Someone With Nearly 50 Years Of Social Distancing Experience

PiC and I are having a small difference of interpretation. Our parks permit us to go walking through them, per the city’s ordinance on their website, and people are going there an staying 20+ feet away from each other or more. So he thinks it’s safe to take JB for a bit of an outing and I want him to. But, I also don’t trust the police to act right. What would you do?

I feel down a YouTube rabbithole and found this clip of Emily Blunt briefly singing with the Backstreet Boys. That really took me back to senior year and the busload of boys who sang the entire Backstreet Boys repertoire on the way home from a field trip.

I spent way too much time thinking about the logistics of this awesomeness:

Are supermarket cash registers now so advanced they can ring through transactions without payment entered? My experience many years ago was that you had to either complete the transaction with a chosen payment type or back it out completely if you had to move on to another customer. I’m imagining Tyler Perry walking in with a dozen personal credit cards and handing one to each cashier to ring up all the customers. I love that image.

My current theory is they’re ringing it all through as cash payments without taking payment, and handing over the receipts for reimbursement later. Like I said, way too much time on the logistics. I’m happy that people are helping people.

I’d be happier if the CDC wasn’t issuing guidance that will lead to more sick people.


Three dogs and a cat

4 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: dog trio and cat edition”

  1. (re: your twitter) What is it about harissa? DH poured half a jar on his lunch last week and I yelled at him because we can’t go to the city to get more and we’re working through not one but TWO Ottonlenghi cookbooks. (Later I found a recipe and determined we have ingredients so we’ll be ok, though we’re running low on a lot of our dried chiles and Penzy’s orders are way delayed.)
    nicoleandmaggie recently posted…RBOCMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I have to admit that I am still new to harissa and don’t know what to do with it. I tried flavoring a stew! And one other thing, I can’t recall now. What do you do with it?

      Fingers crossed that your chiles can be replenished soon.

  2. Thanks for linking to my liar loan post. The Chinese video of the 3 dogs and cat is adorable!
    Middle class revolution recently posted…Grocery pick up and delivery services: Ranked from best to worstMy Profile

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