By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (104) and Link Love

February 12, 2021

1. It’s been over a year since my last haircut and I don’t have split ends yet. I’m also surprised by the lack of stress-induced white hairs. I always had at least three at a time in my teens and 20s.

2. We enjoyed a large takeout order of Thai food from a local place we recently discovered on the weekend. The ability to skip cooking a couple meals is much appreciated, the ability to eat delicious foods I didn’t have to make is also appreciated. Bonus! AmEx offers gives back $10 per restaurant order per month so that covered part of the tip. We tip really big to help out our local businesses.

3. Good / bad: I finally got EDD to pick up a phone and cleared up the problems with my SDI claim. Great. They even released all the backlogged payments. BUT 1/3 of the money is stuck in the debit card account because for some reason “for your safety” they claim, transfers are turned off right now. *Update, it’s because they only allow one transfer per 7 days. *eyeroll*

4. Turning bad into good: I grabbed a $1 fresh baked loaf of French bread from Sprouts. I’m a sucker for fresh baked goods even if I can’t have much of them. It was a terrible loaf. So I turned it into a bread pudding and JB and PiC were greatly pleased with that turnaround.

5. I thought we were going to have a horrible dog incident this weekend. A small dog got loose and came at Sera, barking aggressively and running right up at her. Sera, as you may recall, does NOT do well with being aggressed by dogs. She is TERRIFIED of getting hurt again after her past family history and massively overreacts to being barked at because she perceives that as a precursor to an attack, no matter how small the dog. So I truly thought this attacking small dog was going to be eaten. But PiC had a firm grip on her so she couldn’t retaliate AND our three years of teaching have sunk in enough that even while she was upset at the dog, she was half looking to PiC for the treats she gets for ignoring other dogs. That was an amazing indication of progress. Despite her desire to have doggy friends, it’s probably not reasonable to think that she will get to the point of being mellow about meeting dogs randomly, but maybe we can get to a point where she ignores them completely?

Challenges this week: Sleep continues to be a challenge. Keeping my expectations on this front really low does help but one cannot help but daydream of a good long sleep.

It feels like every single chore I’m trying to complete hits some kind of a snag and requires a phone call. UGH. I hate phone calls.

An old fibro symptom is flaring up this week in my wrists. Not fun.

Just a little link love

Arlan Hamilton is building a new kind of VC

I Couldn’t Join Starfleet, So I Converted to Judaism

Snow day announcement

Meet one of food waste’s most formidable opponents: Jasmine Crowe

I thought the Robinhood app was just not for me, now it looks like their business practices are seriously shady.

A review of a seriously terrible reviewer in Locus: “The fact that Coldiron is a white reviewer showing this level of disrespect to the work of a woman of colour would still be nauseating and wrong – and let me be crystal clear, before I continue: Coldiron’s disrespect here is not in failing to like Villoso’s work, but in starting at the second book in a fucking mutli-book series and then blaming the text for her own lack of comprehension – but it would not, of itself, demonstrate a pattern of bad-faith reviewing. No: that pattern, rather, comes from Coldiron’s other Locus reviews, which collectively serve to demonstrate a jaw-dropping quantity of both bad faith engagement, microaggressions and, in that confluence, racism.

“I’m not a cat”. I laughed until I cried

Storytime with Angela Bassett

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (104) and Link Love”

  1. Loved the cat video. It made me so happy. Awesome news on the dog progress! That must make you feel so good. We’re watching ants at our house (Sam’s birthday gift) & seeing how they do in their new habitat. I will admit that they are pretty fascinating.

    On your Fetch question, here’s the referral link. Thanks for asking. It’s
    “K25F2” and get 3,000 points when you snap your first receipt #ShareFetchRewards

    Feel free to ask other questions about the apps & I’ll give updates if I find other easy/low touch ways to use them. I’m all about low touch money savings. 😉
    Hawaii Planner recently posted…Happy Valentine’s Day – the teen boy editionMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Thanks for the link and info on Fetch! And yes, we’re really heartened by Sera’s progress, that was a REALLY big deal for her. And for us!

  2. NZ Muse says:

    Honestly the cat thing MADE MY MONTH.

    I follow a couple reactive dog Instagrams, one is local to me (Dax the angry dog). Watching his progress has been phenomenal. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sera can get to the point of ignoring other dogs – it sounds like she’s made huge strides.

    Leila has gone from leash reactive to generally reactive and unpredictable. I think we could’ve done more – we did have a session with a behaviourist who recommended lots of off leash time and a bit more of what we’ve been doing – but, life. Anyway, now she isn’t really trusted off leash at all unless we’re somewhere very remote and alone. I’m still unsure if it’s aggressive aggression or if deep down there is fear. I am starting to suspect maybe there is fear. She’s fine when dogs are behind gates and seems to want to avoid when they are sounding ferocious … Anyway, likewise I’d love mellow but I’d settle for ignoring. I can’t imagine we’ll ever be okay again randomly walking past other dogs on the footpath though. I had a panic yesterday at the park when a random dog came up to her out of nowhere, their owner didn’t materialise about 10 mins. She was on leash, they were trying to play and I nearly got my arm pulled off, but at least they were getting along. Sorry, end rant!
    NZ Muse recently posted…Money & marriage: Navigating the awkward conversations and moreMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Cat thing – could NOT stop laughing.

      I have to thank @themariadawn on twitter for sharing dog training resources and thoughts with me that helped us help Sera more. We definitely don’t do off-leash in any place that isn’t fully enclosed and isolated either.

      I suspect you’re dealing with fear aggression with Leila. If it was true aggression, I think you wouldn’t see her trying to avoid them when they sound ferocious, and she probably wouldn’t have had that play attempt at the park the other day. That’s just my theory, though!

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