By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (106) and Link Love

February 26, 2021

1. After a few days of being annoyed by the mess of cords, I figured out what seems to be a better way to organize my power strips and electrical cords in my office, and lo, I feel a lot better! A bit of organization goes such a long way for my mental health. This does make a bit of an argument for going wireless for charging things but I still don’t really want to figure that out.

2. We are testing a new bassinet to work on Smol Acrobat’s sleep. The first few tries seem ok as far as not hating it, we’re crossing our fingers and hoping hoping hoping that this helps them extend their sleep.

3. I’ve really committed to working on my dental health. One could argue I committed in December when I put down the deposit and got scanned for my treatment plan but I still had the sense I could back out if I was willing to lose the deposit because I didn’t want to do the work. However. The misalignment of my teeth has made me sad because I hate how they look and also been frustrated that I haven’t been successful combating the tartar build-up. I still don’t want to do the work but I am mentally and emotionally ready to pursue the final outcome. I hope EXTREME COMPLIANCE will let me finish this course of treatment this year but I know that’s extremely optimistic.

4. The baby monitor came out of the closet this week. This is the one we used for JB, then was passed to friends for their two babies, and is now back for Smol’s use. It makes me happy to be able to share useful things so they get lots of use. Unfortunately it seems that after 6 years, the screen is no longer able to hold a charge so it’ll have to stay plugged into power. This is moderately inconvenient.

5. I had a t-shirt sale! Sales will never not be exciting, especially since this is my first in over a year.

Challenges this week: Sleep continues to elude us. Smol Acrobat has not yet settled into a good sleep routine and this week has felt quite awful. Some days, they’d get half the sleep they should get all day – 3-4 hours maybe, and then that would lead to a bad night and the cycle is terrible.

We all miss Seamus so much.

Just a little link love

Thru-Hiker Emily Ford on Finishing the Ice Age Trail in Winter and Being a “First”

The Egg Thief

Five Things to Consider Before Killing Your Clone by Sarah Gailey

“I Can’t Stop Laughing”: Rita Moreno Remembers Singing with Animal

On Florence Price: Philadelphia Orchestra revives America’s first Black woman composer
Twitter thread: Our latest in a series on womanhood amid Venezuela’s crisis examines how an absence of birth control has radically changed women’s lives.

The San Diego Unified School District‘s conduct with regard to records and transparency at the very least seems to be untrustworthy and at worst appalling.

I enjoyed reading about Dar’s food spending last year.

Yet another disgusting company: Meet the Customer Service Reps for Disney and Airbnb Who Have to Pay to Talk to You

Leap has a skull in her mouth. Blair says:

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (106) and Link Love”

  1. Middle class says:

    I totally missed the birth announcement! Hope it is not too late for congratulations! How did you come up with the name SMOL acrobat? I’m impressed that you can maintain this blog with a new baby!

    • Revanche says:

      Sure isn’t! 🙂

      Honestly, I can’t quite remember now but I’m sure it had to do with how active they were in the womb!

  2. After selling on eBay for years (although, certainly more regularly during COVID), I always get a buzz of excitement when I make a sale.

    On dental health, I committed to flossing every day in 2020. I thought about my routine, decided that I hate floss, and bought a floss stick with attachments. It’s changed everything, and I now floss every day, going on year 2. Tweaking the thing I hate has made it so much better, and now it’s just a habit that’s a part of my night time routine. The dentist was thrilled with my gums/teeth the last time I was in.
    Hawaii Planner recently posted…Positive signsMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      It’s such a rush 😀

      I love that – I need to get back to flossing regularly as well. I now brush after every single meal but using a floss stick too should become part of that routine.

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