By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (115) and Link Love

April 30, 2021

1. I liked thinking about answers to this question: what could someone get you under $15 that would make your day? Some of mine: A donut. An ebook. A graphic novel. Cool designs on forever stamps. Cute stationery. Neat stickers. Erasable pens. Really nice tipped felt markers. Lily’s sugar free PB cups. Diet root beer (I prefer regular root beer but the sugar might lay me out now). What are yours?

2. There was a lot of interest last week for the proposed book giveaway in which is great! My wonderful SuperGroup Friends pitched in some money to help fund more books, too.

I had initially thought to do a mix of physical books and ebooks but there was so much interest that the best way to get more books in hands on our total budget is to go with ebooks. I can’t buy the books to give away until the release date though, so I have some time to think about it. If anyone wants to sponsor more copies, let me know šŸ˜Š

3. We are trying ordering prepared Indian food from a great place in Sacramento. It’s SO authentic that the menus don’t have any description šŸ˜… beyond the dish name, and so we’re basically getting mystery boxes. But it’s good! Last week, we picked 6 12-oz items and liked 3 of them. We didn’t love the other 3 so we won’t get those again, but more importantly, one or more of them seemed to trigger a fibro flare up. So we won’t be doing that again. They also gave us a free bonus (a North Indian kurma) with that box which was fantastic. This week, we’re trying 6 new 12-oz portions. It’s all vegetarian so this might be our way of getting vegetables/vegetarian sides to go with the proteins that are easier for me to make. I’ve always been terrible at veggie sides, but we love Indian food so I think this could be our compromise.

Challenges this week: Grieving. So much grieving.

Just a little link love

“I was embarrassed by the number of boxes I kept from new products just because they were a Good Box.” – this could be our motto! We have a containers problem.

Shadow work is good work.

In Conversation: Mads Mikkelsen. Known for playing villains in the U.S. and more nuanced roles in Denmark, he takes everything and nothing seriously.

Why wouldn’t I just book this suite instead of traveling?

I hope this polar bear lives a long and happy life.

This is a disgusting practice and should be illegal. This money should be held in escrow for the kids, and states should be made to pay back all the kids they stole from: The Marshall Project and NPR have found that in at least 36 states and Washington, D.C., state foster care agencies comb through their case files to find kids entitled to these benefits, then apply to Social Security to become each childā€™s financial representative, a process permitted by federal regulations. Once approved, the agencies take the money, almost always without notifying the children, their loved ones or lawyers.

Daniel L. Hatcher, a law professor at the University of Baltimore and a leading expert on this practice, said it invites a larger question about the role of government. ā€œI think sometimes these officials are so in the weeds of getting funding however they can, they donā€™t even realize that this is not just another funding stream ā€” this is literally childrenā€™s own money,ā€ Hatcher said. ā€œThis is about whether weā€™re going to use abused and neglected childrenā€™s own money to pay for what weā€™re supposed to be providing them as a society.ā€

10 Responses to “Good Things Friday (115) and Link Love”

  1. SP says:

    I feel like I just don’t even want to KNOW about these luxury suites available at the airports! There was a year where I got some minor elite status on an airline, and got free access to the airport lounges, and that felt pretty luxurious (at least the international ones, the US ones were mostly crappy). (mongoose link is gone?)

    But I did need to know about that foster care scam. i literally felt sick reading that. I’m glad some legislation is being worked on, but it sounds like it has been going on for decades at this point. What is WRONG with this country.

    • Revanche says:

      Weird, the mongoose link disappeared! I removed it since I don’t know how to track it down.

      Those suites are really something else, aren’t they?

      I had the same reaction. I think it has been going on for decades, and that’s so sick. How this country can profess to care about kids and do that to the most vulnerable I do not know.

  2. Steveark says:

    Trader Joe’s dark chocolate peanut butter cups! Yummy!

  3. Caro says:

    Yesterday was the big box breakdown day. My Kwarantine Korner package self-disinfecting site is overflowing no more!

  4. what could someone get you under $15 that would make your day

    Anything with sugar (cookies, brownies, pies, a birthday cake even though its 2 months till my birthday šŸ˜¬), a book, a lotto scratcher, tea, coffee, I am just realizing how my happiness revolves around consuming something…..awkward!

  5. Dar says:

    Thanks for the link! Under $15 treats – I like bakery items from cafes, ice cream, new spices, stationery, and occasionally tea towels or cute socks!
    Dar recently posted…A Room of My OwnMy Profile

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