By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (116) and Link Love

May 7, 2021

1. I enjoyed an incredibly rare low pain and manageable fatigue day on Saturday. It followed on from a surprising reasonably decent health day on Friday. I was tired but not the kind of marrow deep exhaustion I normally have, especially by the end of the week. And that’s even with a disruption to our Friday routine. I deeply appreciated it, and took more than a few moments just to breathe and notice how I felt and how it wasn’t awful.

2. We had a visit with a fully vaccinated friend in town, still masked because the kids aren’t protected, and it was surprisingly pleasant. Low key, low energy, and not draining. I find most people require a lot of energy even when I like them so this was a (good) surprise.

3. Sera enjoyed the surprise hot sun day midweek, and let me give her belly rubs.

Challenges this week: my child. They do not sleep. Halp.

I kept thinking about how I wanted to send some friends Mother’s Day cards and how little time I have to do such things. I have got to prioritize.

I’m a week behind in work stuff. I just keep falling behind during the week and have to spend the weekend catching up but if Smol doesn’t sleep, there is no time. We split our time between childcare and work pretty fairly most of the time but if there is little to no time, half of that is pretty minimal.

Just a little link love

Captain Awkward: Sometimes it’s fun to watch all the blood drain out of a human face when you suggest that they take on the favor they were trying to bully you into.

How are you awesome?

In Conversation: Daniel Dae Kim.

The tax code helps white people get richer

This is an old article, but interesting nonetheless. What’s Up With That: Building Bigger Roads Actually Makes Traffic Worse

Also old but if you thought you took typography seriously: Microsoft font gives away forgery in bankruptcy case

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (116) and Link Love”

  1. Caro says:

    When I was taking a college course twenty years ago I was very surprised to learn how old the ability to change your gender on your birth certificate is!

  2. NZ Muse says:

    Yay for a pain free day!

    Spud is fighting naps like never before and bedtime too.

    Apparently he’s a champ napper now at daycare with his buddy R and they sleep for 2 hours plus sometimes. Going to see if capping the daycare naps helps on weeknights…

    • Revanche says:

      Not to be pedantic but LOW pain, not no pain. If it was a no pain day, I think this site would temporarily explode from sheer excitement! 😀

      Oh no, Spud! Sleep is good! We love sleep!

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