By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (117) and Link Love

May 21, 2021

1. Neutral thing: can you believe we have 7.5 months left in this year? I’m not sure I quite grasp that.

2. PiC’s phone was only going to get about $10 on trade in so we kept it as our white noise machine with a free app. Convenient!

3. I am grateful for the timer function on our dishwasher which I only discovered about six months ago thanks to random Twitter conversations.

4. After several weeks, we finally got the replacement nipples we needed for Smol’s bottles! We’re a bit too excited probably but we appreciate the little things. The bad news is that Smol almost immediately collapses the nipples when they drink, the good news is they don’t care and even with a collapsed nipple they’re drinking better than they were with their old ones.

Update: We had to switch again after we tried the new ones because two days into the replacement silicone, Smol quit eating well again.

5. After several tries and months, PiC finally conquered our drain clog!!!!

6. We skipped a week of Indian food supplementing our meals but this week happened to have all our newly discovered favorite North Indian dishes scheduled for early in the week and I jumped on that.

Challenges this week: We recently heard that more friends have suffered losses (non-COVID) this year and I’m bracing myself for writing more condolences.

I’ve been having dizzy spells most days, headaches, and one memorable evening, my hip kept shifting as though it was coming out of joint. This is not fun.

I REALLY miss my homemade enchiladas and spring rolls. Both meals are too time consuming, and therefore energy consuming, to be part of our meal rotation now. I can’t spare the time and energy to cook for 30 minutes a night, much less the 2.5 hours those meals would take. Alas.

Just a little link love

The Supreme Court Could End Abortion Rights With One Word

Dwayne Johnson for President!

It’s a seller’s market

It’s time to recognize the damage of childbirth, doctors and mothers say. Postpartum care in the USA is pathetically lacking. When I read about postpartum care in developed Asian countries, or really just Taiwan, I’m outright envious and then furious that women in the US don’t get a fraction of that kind of care.

You Don’t Get to Pass Pain Around. A rant I can fully get behind.

COVID-19 Was ‘A Preventable Disaster,’ WHO-Ordered Report Says (No shit, I says)

Very related: The 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill


The FDA authorized the COVID vaccine for 12-15 year olds.

Women in SF&F Month guest Nicole Kornher-Stace nails the reason I adore Toph from Avatar, Wolf from Kipo, MurderBot and Toby from The West Wing. “This is going to sound weird, but she’s a lot like Toby from The West Wing: cares deeply about people on a macro level while being just so very very bad at them on a micro level.” I care deeply about humanity and people getting what they need but I don’t care for them. People are terrible.

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (117) and Link Love”

  1. My 12 year old got his first vaccine last week! (I let him choose but he wanted to “just get it OVER with, mom”.)
    Jenny F. Scientist recently posted…Recent Reads, Very Short Reviews ThereofMy Profile

  2. Alice says:

    I’m vague on Smol’s age, but– when my daughter was about 6 months old, we needed to give her prune juice for awhile. I just did regular cups, holding a quarter-full cup to her lips and giving her very little sips. I didn’t want to have to un-train on sippy cups, which is why we did open cups and not sippy cups.

    Could be an option if Smol is around the same age and you can’t find a bottle nipple that works?

    • Revanche says:

      We finally did find a good bottle nipple, but I AM curious to see if Smol will sip from an open cup, now! I might give that a try just to see.

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