By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (120) and Link Love

June 11, 2021

I had a hard time coming up with anything for this list at first, but here goes!

1. I made a sale on Poshmark! Yay!

2. That little kitchen scale PiC pushed me to get has come in handy for clearing to-do items off my list. I needed to go to the post office for two packages that had been waiting for ages but I simply haven’t had any time or energy to fit that in. The scale took care of figuring out postage for two of the four things that didn’t merit going out flat rate.

Challenges this week: My back pain is back. I’ve not done my planks in months, and I’m not even getting out for a walk once a day, so of course it’s back. I should have remembered to start them again once sleep training started taking hold, I had stopped because of neck pain flaring up and just being too dang tired to exist. Back to planking.

I’m struggling with grieving our friend as they enter hospice and their final days of life. It’s setting off my defense mechanisms where I distance myself from people, tell myself that they don’t care about me anyway, and go into my antisocial-shell in a futile attempt to protect myself from further pain. It won’t protect me at all but I’m learning to recognize that’s what my instincts tell me to do.

Just a little link love

Seeing snubfin dolphins in Western Australia: Broome’s best-kept secret

I Don’t Like Working. For those of you who’ve been around since the beginning, you’ll see I’m at the polar opposite of where I used to be now. I feel the same as Ms. FOGA – I want to be done with work and stay done. I don’t want to have to side hustle, or do public speaking or write a book to earn money. (I do want to write a book that’s published and sells well because I did a good job writing it but that’s a different thing.) My issue is knowing I can’t make that happen any time soon. That takes a lot more seed money than we have. Projects I have tons of. Like the Lakota Giving Project and giving away copies of books. But work work? I want to be done with that.

Running out of water and time: How unprepared is California for 2021’s drought?

Stop Using Phony Science to Justify Transphobia: Actual research shows that sex is anything but binary

Online critics claimed an Oakland pizzeria wasn’t Black-owned. They were wrong

The ugly truth behind your fancy rewards credit card


My family is divided over COVID-19 vaccinations. Here’s how we cope

4 Responses to “Good Things Friday (120) and Link Love”

  1. FOGA says:

    Thank you for linking my post. It resonated with more people than I expected.

    I am so sorry about your friend. *hugs*
    FOGA recently posted…Charity & Personal FinanceMy Profile

  2. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend entering hospice. The older I get, the more I learn about my blind spots. It takes a lot of intentional effort & reflection, but it really does help me better navigate & understand. I’m at the point where I am (usually) unable to choose a different path in the moment, but I can often adjust how I handle it after my initial response.

    Sending you good health vibes. Do prioritize your fitness routine, & taking care of yourself. It’s the equivalent of saving money – you will get dividends in the future & have more options of how to spend your time as you get older.
    Hawaii Planner recently posted…Frugal FridayMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      Thank you.

      It is hard to divert the course of the initial reaction but being able to recognize where we’ve gone wrong and then trying to adjust makes a real difference.

      And thank you. I’ve started pushing myself to add back some exercise now that I’ve realized that the floppy muscles are the problem.

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