By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (134) and Link Love

September 17, 2021

1. Feeling super grateful for our food exchange friends. They dropped off a bounty of fruit and a super special treat of ribs fresh from a beef share they had picked up. We’ve never had such fresh beef! I had a meal from a recent big batch of cooking saved specially for sharing with them but it pales in comparison to their trades. I’m looking forward to making a giant batch of lemongrass chicken to share with them. I just need the chicken. And energy.

2. My body was so thrashed after a hard week that all Saturday was spent in some stage of rest and recovery. The good part was that PiC and JB had gone out so, with only Smol Acrobat to look after, I managed to execute a long-awaited big tidying up in the office. So satisfying!!

3. Oh thank goodness the recall failed. I’ve been faintly nauseous during this entire campaign imagining the worst.

Challenges this week: we are struggling a lot with our interactions with JB right now. I hate this.

Just a little link love

People with Disabilities by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

I Guess I Like Cars Now? I assume I’m never going to be a car tinkerer but it sounds like a bit of fun, nonetheless. I did enjoy the satisfaction of doing minor maintenance on my first car when my bestie would help me out with repairs, and the satisfaction of not paying someone hundreds of dollars for it.

I’ve been wondering what specifics are plaguing the supply chain for publishing, this article shed a little light on the matter. This mentions one publisher’s problems with the lack of paper issue.

Caught With Their Pants Down, Jill Filopovic. “LuLaRoe promised “empowerment” for stay-at-home moms. It brought financial ruin.”

People have wondered why I was so secretive about a lot of details about my private life. A, because it’s my right to be. B, I share a lot here but it’s for safety. We don’t know what draws the creepy people to stalk others but this stuff is real (read the whole Twitter thread): “I posted photos of myself in my last apartment with a little more background than this. I was DMd by a man who had sneaked past the concierge and saw me with my then-boyfriend. He had geolocated me to the exact building. He sent me a message: “you’re prettier in real life”

Be Yourself and Sell More Books

Anti-Vaccine Activists Use A Federal Database To Spread Fear About COVID Vaccines

Spell Slots Theory: An Explanation on Depression. FOGA’s explanation of depression works quite well for chronic pain too.

Ed Slott Weighs In on House Democrats’ Proposed Mega-IRA Crackdown

8 Responses to “Good Things Friday (134) and Link Love”

  1. Bee says:

    I looked at VAERS a while ago when I first starting hearing about it, and I could tell that healthcare workers reporting are aware of how it could be distorted. Multiple reports included comments like “patient had numerous illnesses pre-vaccine and it appears they died of one of those” or “based on the timing I think patient already had COVID when given the vaccine”. I think I remember one even saying basically “This was clearly not vaccine-related, I’m only reporting this because I have to”.

    • Revanche says:

      It’s a shame that making data transparent means we have to deal with people twisting that data around to suit their own aims.

  2. Jen says:

    Based on your general location and my general location, I figure I live close enough (<50 miles) that I have shared specific businesses I have used that might help you with what you have said your (business) needs are. FYI I have no personal relationship with those businesses or the owners. I do this through anonymous comments because it’s less personal than emailing you directly. I hope you see that those comments are for you only not the blog and that I hope you delete them after reading them and delete this one too. This is a long winded way to say my intentions are good.

  3. SP says:

    Thanks for the IRA link – hadn’t heard about this, but will be following it. It sounds like good legislation overall – though it will affect my current strategies which rely on backdoor and (as of this year!) mega backdoor Roth. These are tax breaks / loopholes for the wealthy (and int he case of megabackdoor, very employer dependent), so it makes sense to change the rules.

    Yay recall failure! Hope you are getting more rest and recovery this weekend!

    • Revanche says:

      I wonder if any legislation would be immediately effective. It would make sense to make it effective next year.

      Definitely yay!

  4. Grateful the recall passed, and here’s hoping there will be additional reform on the process…one that doesn’t cost the state of California $300 million dollars.

    Sorry things are a struggle with JB. Parenting certainly has its phases. Hang in there.
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