By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (135) and Link Love

September 24, 2021

1. I didn’t feel good Saturday morning, having been up until about 3 reading with painsomnia, but I was in a surprisingly ok mood anyway. I reminded PiC that I would take the kids so he could go for a run, and then he came back in time for me to have a brain therapy session. While he was gone, JB and I did some Lakota Family giving work together so we could talk about ideas like understanding how fortunate we are compared to others and how that means we have a responsibility to do our share to support our community. Also the idea that we can only do the best we can with what we have, and we can’t help every single person all at once right now as much as we want to.

2. I was thinking last week it’d be great if my stuff on Poshmark would sell so I’d have more cash to put towards giving, so many people need some help right now. Then on Monday, I got a half decent offer! Woo!

3. A copy of my Milestones book sold. Eep! I hope they love it.

Challenges this week: My pain was sky-high this week and there’s a lot of direct aid needs right now.

  • My dear friend has had an incredibly tough year and a mutual friend set up this GoFundMe for her. Her situation has spiraled terribly since her major heart attack, despite her best efforts. She was so close to getting out of her abusive situation, then was sandbagged by a devastating financial secret her abuser had been keeping for years. I very much remember that feeling of being financially devastated by the lies of an abusive parent. If you’re able to help or share, it would be so much appreciated.
  • Chad Methner and his partner Nancy are having a tough year.
  • This Native family is trying to get together funds to buy the house they’ve rented for generations on ancestral lands.
  • Anne is organizing this year’s support of the kids in Nunavut.

Just a little link love

Kids discover giant penguin’s fossil skeleton in New Zealand

Why a record number of container ships are backed up off the coast of California

Such a wonderful sort of haunting

Silences: Isaac, and Words Unsaid

The Unrecalled Governor: So, yes, congrats, to Newsom, who shouldn’t get cocky. Good riddance to Elder, although I suspect he’ll try again in an actual election year, which will be good for Newsom’s re-election chances. And as always, folks, remember to vote, each time, every time, no matter what.I’m so thankful the recall failed, angry at the waste of money for political theater, and am very cognizant that it was about keeping horrible Republican antivaxxers and unknown incompetent Democrats out of office. It was not about approving Newsom as a governor. He’s done enough right that keeping him is better than the alternative but that doesn’t mean he’s great and he has much room for improvement. And even with this common sense on our side, I had heartburn the whole time worrying we’d have enough shenanigans to upend our next year horribly.

In Central York, kids rose up to save books on MLK, Rosa Parks from their parents: “Arguably, the high schoolers of York County have taught us a lesson, by reminding us that the vast majority of Americans — especially schoolchildren but also most parents — support both the common-sense decency of wearing masks in school while the coronavirus is still untamed, and also classrooms where anti-racism is taught as part of the American story. In fighting against a narrow-minded minority, these kids learned and then illuminated something equally important: How to beat back bullies.

6 Tribes Sue Wisconsin In Attempt To Stop November Wolf Hunt. I absolutely hate that we hunt wolves here, especially like this. Humans just slaughter willy-nilly.

Are you feeling ok? Do you know anyone who is? I feel completely unmoored. Ms. FOGA with It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

Jelani Day Found Dead After Missing Grad Student’s Disappearance Received Little Media Attention. Among the things I think about raising kids here in America *waving at America generally*: my kids aren’t as important as white kids. If my kids get hurt or go missing, I’ll probably be like Jelani Day’s mom demanding action and getting next to no response. We’re losing reproductive rights, white domestic terrorism reigns so our kids can be shot and killed at school because gun lobby forbid we do anything about school shootings, antivaxxers are unhinged and getting their gross on everyone, racism abounds and if anything happens to our kids, well, there won’t be any justice or help or anything. I’m not feeling super upbeat about the world right now.

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (135) and Link Love”

  1. FOGA says:

    Thanks for the mention. 😊

    Also, thank you for sharing the direct giving options. I was looking for some more for this year.

    Hope you have less/no pain this week.
    FOGA recently posted…It’s Okay to Not Be OkayMy Profile

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