By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (155) and Link Love

February 11, 2022

1. We managed things so that PiC got an outing both Saturday and Sunday morning to work out and I got 4-5 hours of daytime rest on both days. It wasn’t easy but it was doable this weekend and we both got what we needed for once. We traded the kids during that time and everyone got fed. Win all around even if it wasn’t easy.

2. Our local dim sum place started serving dim sum again! We splurged on a wide spread of dishes and enjoyed every morsel. Even Smol Acrobat got in on the dining delight. They ate up almost an entire steamed pork bun before moving on to the other yummy things in my bowl.

Challenges this week: I needed all that rest because I had a massive flare up that took the form of “molten lava replaced my marrow oh joy”.

Just a little link love

A Resignation Story | Part 1 of 3

A Resignation Story | Part 2 of 3


Long time AAM readers get a super update: update: my best employee quit on the spot because I wouldn’t let her go to her college graduation

This is the Bad Place

MoviePass is relaunching — and it wants to track your eyeballs

How can people be THIS evil? They’re trying to murder children: Proposed Georgia law would end all childhood vaccination requirements

I will never get past how selfish people are that they can take offense at the statement that Black Lives Matter. As if they’re not allowed to matter and as if they’re not allowed to be precious lives that matter to more than just themselves. Black girl nearly disqualified from Wisconsin swim meet over ‘Black Lives Matter’ swimsuit

This is horrifying and disgusting. I cannot believe, and yet I do believe, that we’re looking at this level of menace and malice: Oklahoma Considers Database For Pregnant People As Roe Hangs In The Balance

Don’t Talk to the Police

I think he gives the police WAAAAYYYY too much credit for honesty and pure intent in this, probably had to given there was an officer right there in the room with him, but even without being honest about the fact that police lie all the time (including in some of his examples), the reasons for the advice to NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE stands up.

Note that even the police officer responded “you know the answer to that” when asked “has a suspect EVER persuaded you that they were innocent when they spoke to the police?”

Even the police officer who followed him agreed that everything stated by the professor was true. Never talk to the police. EVER. And his own talk shows that he presumes that all his suspects are guilty when he sits down to talk to them. AND! He admits that the police are allowed to lie to suspects and that he does! So, takeaway: Don’t trust the police to treat you fairly.

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (155) and Link Love”

  1. Dar says:

    With regards to police, we in Canada are welcoming the police presence in Ottawa to disperse the truckers (substitute T with F) occupation. However, I work at a public library and our dealings with the police are mixed. When we have violent customers they often respond quickly and appropriately. They have never used weapons and often spend time reasoning with them. On the other hand, I will never forget the time they came to the library and showed us a picture of a runaway youth. They urged us to contact them if he was seen in the library, because his parents were frantic. We didn’t see the kid, but later found out he was a suspect in a crime and we would have turned him in (perhaps for some minor offense). On another occasion, when we told police we didn’t turn over customer records, we caught them badgering our student clerks who were shelving books, trying to con info out of our most vulnerable employees. Grrr!
    Dar recently posted…Candy Saturdays: LordagsgodisMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      That’s so frustrating. We’ve always been told they’re here for our protection and I can’t believe that anymore when they go out of their way to harm those among us who are most vulnerable. The number of police who have gotten away with being sexual predators and domestic abusers is truly depressing.

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