By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (163) and Link Love

April 8, 2022

1. Finally found the scrub brush I vaguely remembered and cleaned up my garden shears. (Though I did slice a flap of skin off my finger doing it. Ouch.)

2. I cooked! Deviled eggs and panko baked chicken thighs! And Smol Acrobat even liked the deviled egg. Much amazement.

3. We survived both of PiC’s hybrid on site work days with less angst than before. I don’t know what got us through this week better than last but I hope next week will be better than this week was.

Challenges this week: I had a prolonged day of feeling like a terrible parent and it fueled a severe pain spike.

I’ve been feeling very sad about the loss of a dear friend lately. They’re not gone-gone, but they’re gone from my life and I miss them a lot. I uncharacteristically sought out a Rabbi’s writings in search of some kind of comfort. I happen to appreciate Rabbi Ruttenberg’s writing a lot so this seemed an appropriate text. It didn’t actually bring me any comfort but I wasn’t really expecting that. It did give me something to mull over when I have mental capacity for it: The Trauma of the Golden Calf: Terror, Loss, Technical and Adaptive Challenges

Just a little link love

I’m a Travel Writer, but I Don’t Fly โ€” Here’s Why

From One Geek to Another’s Work vs Health hits really close to home. I had changed my habits pretty seriously when JB was born but my deeply ingrained mental habits are another thing. The pandemic really snapped any of my remaining motivation to put work first in the grand scheme of things.

This shouldn’t be an issue for me any longer (since at the very least, my remaining parents is both estranged and has no money) but it’s an important topic for a lot of folks who still have their parents actively in their lives: Talking to Your Aging Parents About Money.

Sisters in Buy-Nothing Groups Score Free Furniture and Appliances, Food, Fashions

A thread I cannot embed because I’m on my phone: “Why we can’t stop saying gay, a story

On the first day of my senior year of high school, a new boy showed up in my AP English class.

He had transferred from a prestigious private school to my public school, and I was confused.

I asked him why he moved and he shrugged

Pope Makes Historic Apology to Indigenous for Canada Abuses.
I was going to scoff at this historic apology if it wasn’t accompanied by massive reparations to try and start to heal the generations of harm inflicted. It looks like they’re making a start: “In addition, as part of a settlement of a lawsuit involving the Canadian government, churches and the approximately 90,000 surviving students, Canada paid reparations that amounted to billions of dollars being transferred to Indigenous communities. The Catholic Church, for its part, has paid over $50 million and now intends to add $30 million more over the next five years.”


7 Responses to “Good Things Friday (163) and Link Love”

  1. Fe!gl-D!ng is a quack. When Eric Topol starts worrying about it, then I’ll listen.
    Jenny F. Scientist recently posted…Five Minute BloggingMy Profile

  2. FOGA says:

    Thanks for the mention. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah, it has been a process to be sure.
    FOGA recently posted…Work vs HealthMy Profile

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