By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (181) and Link Love

August 12, 2022

1. We donated to support Kara Perez, Alice Wong, two Donors Choose projects and Something Positive.

Just a little link love

I’m Fine, Actually; But Papi, I worry my average life is smothering me

Behind the investigative report on child labor allegations at Hyundai Alabama plant

UH Task Force Detects Fuel In Navy Water After It Was Deemed Safe

The CDC continues to disappoint: CDC expected to ease Covid-19 recommendations, including for schools, as soon as this week

I don’t even have words for the Jamestown Township. They voted to defund a LIBRARY. Utter knobs: Upset over LGBTQ books, a Michigan town defunds its library in tax vote

But more racist police departments should be disbanded. It’s bad enough these people are racist. Giving them a badge and a gun and the power to enact harm against the people they so clearly hate is just terrible policy: Alabama City Disbands Entire Police Department Over Racist Text

Wondering what to wear? This visual guide will help you cultivate your personal style

Some good news, I’m hoping the incoming DA and Judge are actually better than their predecessors: Memphis Ousts DA and Judge Who Oversaw Its Notoriously Harsh Court System

The iRobot Deal Would Give Amazon Maps Inside Millions of Homes

This is very close to the worst idea I’ve heard yet: AR-15s put in all Madison County schools to enhance security in case of active shooter

I’m used to a lot of gross medical stuff that doesn’t bother me but this was a rough read: ‘Your body is being taken over by this thing you don’t understand’: One man’s monkeypox ordeal

This interview with the anesthesiologist who helped with the Thai cave rescue is riveting: Richard Harris: Tham Luang cave rescue

Secret Amazon memo exposes plan to hire only the ‘vulnerable’

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (181) and Link Love”

  1. Alice says:

    I didn’t follow every link, but re: personal style… it was so odd to read it and feel like it was completely irrelevant to what I’m doing or expect to do in the next few years.

    I would *like* to be a put-together looking person who has bandwidth and decent options for having a style. What I *am* is someone who buys almost entirely for function. Machine washable, yoga pants/skorts with pockets, running shoes, random t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt. I look like an unstylish mom. I ALWAYS look like an unstylish mom.

    I would love to wear dresses with cute flats. Cute flats almost always make my feet hurt too much or let in road gravel/playground mulch. And so, so many dresses either would not look right to me with running shoes or have no pockets or non-functional pockets. If I cannot fit my cell phone and keys in a pocket without risk of them falling out, there is no point. And likewise, if it can’t be machine-washed, there is also no point.

    Maybe when I’m older, I can have a style. In the meantime: sigh.

    • Revanche says:

      I agree! I thought the link could be useful for other people but I’m just like you: I dress entirely for function and comfort. Even my dresses are now required to have pockets but I don’t pair them with cute flats because no cute flat exists that don’t hurt my feet. So I wear them with sneakers and fashion be damned.

      I only buy dresses and skirts from Elhoffer Design and SVAHA now because they have a pockets in everything policy. Elhoffer is a splurgey shop for me, though, their stuff is great quality at a higher baseline price point.

      Oh and some of the skirts at SVAHA have VERY deep pockets, FYI, if you’re ever in need of a skirt with good pockets (referral link for 20% off for you if you want it: I wore my map twirl skirt from them most days when I had to be carry my phone, wallet AND keys in just my pockets. I’m ogling their peacock skirt now but I still have that shoe problem. Which, let’s be honest, isn’t going to stop me from wearing the skirt with sneakers. I just don’t mind enough to not, if I’m in a skirt situation.

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