By: Revanche

Good Things Friday (273) and Link Love

May 17, 2024

  1. I had a FULL ON panic, frantically looking up the grace period (61 days) for late payment of my life insurance policy, because I just found the premium notice on the shelf instead of filed away in the Big Notebook of Important Stuff. I scribbled out a check fast as I could, counting the days as I sealed up the envelope, hoping that almost 2 weeks was enough time. Then, while kicking myself, wondered why this bill wasn’t in my template for all bill payments, and went to fix that. But wait… it was… so …? I scrolled up two months and there is it. I paid it two months ago, on time and it was such a non-event I completely forgot to file away the paperwork as normal. Way to scare myself. But hey, my system worked/works.
  2. Grief hung particularly heavy this weekend so I’m glad that I’d been saving this snippet featuring Klaus, Dina and Arland to read: I Will Explain Everything
  3. We have delayed start on our washing machine and I like it. On days when I simply cannot get the laundry run during my work hours, I can fill the washer and set it to start the run after peak hours and then it’s ready for me to pop in the dryer early the next morning. That’s really nice.

Just a little link love

This is a really good comprehensive post from the Stirrup Queens with suggestions on how to back up ALL THE THINGS. It’s got a few items I haven’t done yet.

What is that saying again, home of the brave, land of the free? Leaked FBI email stresses need for warrantless surveillance of Americans. FBI must use surveillance tools to demonstrate their importance, email says.

This is good. I wish we could get large studies like this for ME/CFS too, we share many symptoms: NIH to open long COVID clinical trials to study sleep disturbances, exercise intolerance, and post exertional malaise

I remember when this story first came out: She was accused of faking an incriminating video of teenage cheerleaders. She was arrested, outcast and condemned. The problem? Nothing was fake after all

2 Responses to “Good Things Friday (273) and Link Love”

  1. I spent an hour this week making an open enrollment spreadsheet to figure out health care and then picked the one I would have guessed was the best/least bad. It’s so much mental work to keep track of all this stuff!

    • Revanche says:

      OMG, the open enrollment spreadsheet, yes, every year! We have to tackle that in the fall and I’m dreading it.

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