By: Revanche

Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (241)

January 13, 2025

Year 4 of COVID in the Bay Area.

Year 5, Day 264: Day 17 in a row of being with one or both of my children. I’m tired. I’m so tired of the “Mom! Mom! Mom! (They did, they said, can I have, when can we, I need, they hit me, they’re taking my …)” When did this become a Mom household?? You have a father! I just really need several hours in a row without any humans in my immediate vicinity. Dogs, cats, and Corvid crew welcome. PiC gave me a few-hours break today, taking both of them away for the morning, thank goodness, which flew by almost as if it were mere minutes.

I ran training, checked on all the paperwork, followed up on Lakota orders, set up shipping labels for community donations, dealt with management problems and minutia, processed my feelings of general resentment about work stress. I sat with JB for an hour guiding them through another round of organizing their things into the appropriate bins and baskets, and assigned them 15 minutes of carrying on with the work solo while I worked. I pondered my radiating hip pain (entirely self inflicted because I agreed to go on a hike yesterday, foolish mortal), and I pondered the former friend who called me selfish and self-centered. Even if that outburst was more about whatever was going on in their life than me, those words were calculated to hurt and they continue to sting.

Year 5, Day 265: This week’s stressor: the unknowable. A friend was speculating that my life – I don’t make friends when people are incompetent and a LOT of incompetent people have entered our sphere over the past 12 months – is going to get so much worse for me this year. They’ve got a front row seat to some of the shenanigans from last year and had more time in the corporate grind than I have had so their prognostications are likely to be accurate. I have so much to do in 2025 but lack any confidence that I will get the proper support or recognition (by which I mean both title AND money) for it. In fact, I think it’s quite likely I will be left in the lurch (without support from higher ups) by the summer and my entire self doesn’t know what to do with this likelihood other than hate it.

As much as I hate the idea of job hunting, that’s the logical thing to do. I rewrote my LinkedIn as practice for rewriting my resume. Having lots of feelings about this whole thing. Wrote a recommendation for my staff, will write more later.

Kicking myself over making silly mistakes like donating to international GFM campaigns with the wrong credit card so that I got hit with a foreign transaction fee. Rookie mistake! I have a credit card for these things that do NOT charge foreign transaction fees. Sigh. It’s really not a large amount at all, it’s the principle of wasting any money at all, ever.

Year 5, Day 266: Second stressor: The Santa Ana winds have made the fires so unbelievably dangerous in Southern California. I grew up there and even in early adulthood the fires didn’t seem this bad back then. It can’t just be my imagination, CA wildfires must generally be a lot worse in the past decade or so. I’ve checked on a lot of our friends and family, the fire came within a mile (!!) of one of our families but they’re safe, thankfully. So much destruction has occurred and none of it is contained.

Third stressor: I hate change. I haven’t changed my doctor in 13 years, we have only moved once and I have no desire to move again if things aren’t dire. I hold on to clothes until they fall apart or don’t fit anymore. All this to say: when faced with big changes in my work life that I have zero control over and will deeply impact my life and my family’s lives, my stomach churns with stress and I hate it so much. This is in addition to the world being terrible, on the larger scale.

I also realized something about myself though can’t explain it. I toil in obscurity. I do some big and important things (in some respects) professionally but very few people know my name, what I do, or why it matters. And most of the time this doesn’t register on my list of things that matter. It does register when I think about needing to suss out job opportunities and regret not having a strong professional network for referrals. But the moment there’s a chance of visibility on a wider scale, I drag someone in front of me as a human shield, “take him instead!” Best I can say is that this is the same as my thing about fame and money: I’ll take all of the money (so I can do good things with it), I want nothing to do with the fame.

I know what I’m good at and I loathe masking. I haven’t had to operate as the completely professional version of me for more than a decade, I’ve been a more human version, and I’ve gotten used to that. It still takes energy but less than when I face high level corporate executive types and lawyers. When that happens, I feel awkward and put on my professional armor defensively. Except it doesn’t fit the way it used to. It’s happening more than it used to now, and it’s going to keep happening. Deep deep sigh.

I suppose they’ll have to deal with what they get: a well seasoned professional (smells of rosemary?) who has none* fucks left to offer in service of politics and nonsense. (*To quote Smol Acrobat, “none means zero”.) I deliver great work, I don’t have the energy for the other nonsense. Except can I continue to deliver great work if the other nonsense becomes part of my life?

Year 5, Day 267: I haven’t slept well all week. That’s the work stress taking chomps out of my sanity and confidence. Bits of Tiffany’s “I think we’re alone now” has been stuck in the back of my mind with just barely discernible lyrics so it took me 3 days to figure out what song it was. That one I can’t explain.

There’s been a lot to stress about and a lot of extra drain on my energy dealing with those stressors. I had this whole plan to make this year go smoothly and then my cabbage cart was kicked over. ARGH. Imagine me throwing those cabbages back into the cart, muttering direly to myself, and those cabbages are hours-long conversations with various key people and flashes of “oh shit, I forgot that thing too!” That’s been my week.

I freely shared with JB that I am SO TIRED. Dragged myself to and from school pick up and afterschool class. We ran out of Hawaiian rolls so I searched the internet (can’t even call it Googling anymore, what’s going on 2025) and decided we’d whip up a cornbread to go with the pulled pork. Right. Whip up. The slowest whipping up ever. We did manage it, we used Sally’s Baking Addiction’s cornbread recipe which has twice as many ingredients as I like but it was very tasty. If I can, I’d like to make a couple more. One to eat, one to freeze. Ambitious.

Year 5, Day 268: The stress-induced heartburn continues. The endless documentation for various management needs continues. The seemingly-endless backlog of work continues. The fires in LA continue.

My hair is down to my waist again, it’s now been another 2-3 years since my last haircut and I don’t want to go to the hair place because they don’t mask and I don’t know if they vaccinate. Not that vaccination will stop transmission, it’s just the principle. I’m this close to just hacking off several inches myself and damn the consequences. Except for the first time in ages, it might matter what I look like. 🙄

All that wasn’t enough, we foolishly decided to let the kids go to the school Movie Night because the PTA sent out a call for volunteers to staff the snack bar. I was far too tired for that but went and sat with the kids through the movie while PiC did the volunteering. We cleaned up afterward and trudged home. Stick a fork in me, I’m done!

5 Responses to “Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (241)”

  1. I keep a couple of boxes of Jiffy mix on hand to whip up cornbread. I dunno, I just like it better than any homemade cornbread we’ve ever made.

    Sounds like maybe you could take a step back from all the volunteering? You do so much.

    • Revanche says:

      I can’t believe we’ve never actually tried Jiffy mix that I can remember, I wonder why. I really liked this one but I should try Jiffy too.

      This volunteering was a one off fluke, he just felt bad and wanted to help out, I figured how much work could it be to sit there with the kids while they watched a movie? Vastly underestimated how little energy I had left for the week.

  2. Noemi says:

    I’m sorry everything is so stressful, and that you don’t feel like your successes at work are acknowledged, let alone celebrated. I hope 2025 is not as bad as you’re expecting it to be. I’m also dreading it to be sure…

    • Revanche says:

      Thank you, I really hope yours isn’t as bad as you dread as well. To be fair, my big success from last year generated some praise and public recognition but that doesn’t register on my scale of feeling appreciated. I need to see some TANGIBLE thanks, you know? Something that takes more than 10 seconds to type out, public or not.

  3. I feel you on the fires and Santa Ana winds. I had to evacuate with my brother last week unexpectedly and we spent the night near along Beach. Luckily for us, the fire threatening us was the only one that was 100% contained within 24 hours, so we could go back to my place safely the day after. I still have a go-bag ready in case things change again for the worse, but for now I am trying to be cautiously optimistic.

    As for cornbread, next time you should try making corn casserole instead! It’s super easy to make and it’s miles better than any cornbread recipe I’ve tried. I’ve grown up eating this every Thanksgiving and Christmas and just made it again for a Christmas lunch. Hope this helps:

    5 Total Ingredients: 8oz Jiffy Corn Muffin mix, 15oz can of whole kernel corn (drained), 15oz can of creamed corn (not drained), 1 cup sour cream, and 1/2 cup melted butter. (Pro tip: you can make this vegan too by getting plant-based sour cream and butter. It tastes just the same.)

    Directions: preheat oven to 400°F. Mix all ingredients together and pour in a 8×8 baking pan. Cook in the oven for 45-50 minutes or until lightly browned. Revel in your cooking superiority as everyone who tries it bows to you. 🙂

    Here’s to the year being less stressful than anticipated 🤞

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