February 9, 2012

News, News and News: Non-Trivial Announcements for 2012

A) One friend is having a baby.

B) One friend is getting married.

C) This blogger got a promotion.

(So I get to rewrite the budget for 2012 again! This is a good thing, yes.)

It’s a pretty big step up.

This comes with a new title, a higher level of seniority, more responsibility and visibility, a lot more travel. A couple other things I’m not as in love with but I know I can do. Spiffy. It does come with more money as well, which was pretty important considering that I came in on a lowball offer originally. I’ve been working intensely to bring myself back to parity and this negotiation was no different.

We’re also really looking forward to the changes that will let me make to take care of my health.  It doesn’t just come with more, more, more, it was built to promote some balance as well. I was also saying no to some things: for my health and for a stronger structure, the position is arranged sensibly to reduce specific burdens that I’ve already mastered and shift it elsewhere.

It’s been a very tough road, not just for me but also for PiC who has had to live with me running on all pistons 100% of the time, and being totally career focused despite my health issues, and then paying the price with my health and I’m really grateful for this outcome.

And on the whole, it’s also pretty neat – I’ve sweated and slaved over the building of this little empire and I’ll be able to continue to run it for a while yet.

March 15, 2010

An Official Announcement

I got the job.

<-- Congratulatory cake and root beer. 

I’m kind of sad that I didn’t make it out to the East Coast like I’d originally hoped to when starting this journey because I’ve got so many awesome friends and blogger friends out there (so many, can’t link to all!), I’d yearned to take on the East Coast, and I’m a little envious of the crowd that populates the DC Blogger Happy Hour.  But those are maybe not the best criteria on which to be gauging a relocation for a job, especially considering the HCOL and lack of jobs that were as interested in me.

And that’s not in the least meant to be a slight against my West Coast blogger friends (again, too many to list) because they are darn awesome too!  We’re just so much more spread out over here that Happy Hours don’t actually happen.  

Oh, “what about the job” you ask?  Right, the job.  I’ve been hired to a full time position for a non-profit in the colder, more northerly half of California.  It’s going to kick my butt while giving me a chance to really learn and show what I’ve learned in more adverse conditions. I’ll officially be in charge of people and telling them how to do their jobs better. [It’s in the job description. Really. Don’t worry, I don’t plan to be obnoxious about it.]

More importantly(?), years after I defiantly made up my mind to do so, I’m finally moving out.

In light of recent developments with the family, I can’t cut the money cord so this poses some new budgetary challenges. I’ll be salaried for the first time so that’s made budgeting easier but affording life harder.

I’ve powwowed with Excel and calculated to a fare-thee-well my family’s expenses, my projected expenses against my probable take-home pay. It’s not unemployment but it’s no great shakes after all’s said and done. My savings will be a long time regenerating, and I’m definitely living on a broke student budget for at least another year.  At that point, if I’ve done my job, they’ll be throwing the money at me. 😉 Just kiddin’, there are no guarantees there.  I’ll also need to spend some or the better part of my 3 weeks of vacation doing freelance work.  

The interview was a heck of a thing but not nearly as bad as what I’d braced myself for, only 6.5 hours, not 8.5!)  I did negotiate though I’m not surprised that I didn’t get everything I wanted.  I did my research, took into consideration the market and the fact that I didn’t have competing offers versus continued unemployment, presented a case in a friendly but firm voice, and let the die fall where they might.

They fell on the patch of felt marked, “this is our best offer,” and I took it.

I’m pretty nervous excited terrified nervous. I have mood swings.

I have two weeks to put my life in boxes and ship it out, I have two weeks to fully automate my family’s financials, I have two weeks to see and hug everyone one last time before I fill out a change of address and walk out of the town I grew up in.

The logistics are frustrating but I’ll get a handle on them. (It only took a week to get any moving company to return my calls!  Hello! Are we or are we not in a recession? Isn’t cash-money what you want?)

I’m still working on that other part where I’m really truly moving out, except not really telling my family it’s a real move because I can’t trust my brother to act right if he knows I’m absent.  I’m all kinds of conflicted about that.  I need to be able to come home to a non-wrecked home and a set of live (and as healthy as possible under the circumstances) parents. I don’t see that happening should the sibling realize that he essentially has no parole officer.

But I’ve got a job.  I’ve got a job.

P.S. Days of the week, like Mondays, are going to have to mean something again! 

March 18, 2009

Bumps in the road versus active optimism

It’s an emotional and physical off-roading sort of week, so I’ve been uninspired. That was going to be the thrust of the post, but complaining’s not going to help. (Or hasn’t, yet.)

Thusly, we’re going to practice optimism, today, because:

1) it’s Wednesday!
2) I found a highly challenging job listing that I’m a little underqualified for but I don’t care, I want it anyway. And I could do it, if they would overlook the lack of a Master’s degree. Promise.
3) and Sallie’s Niece got the job!
4) so that means it’s not categorically impossible. [No, that’s not logical. Doesn’t matter.]

I’ve been a bit fed up with my doom and gloom. Luckily, I got it all out over at i pick up pennies (thanks Abby!) Not that I suggest you read my rant, please don’t, just visit Abby if you like.

And 5) Crystal is basking in the sun for me via Twitter, never you mind if she’s playing hooky or not. 🙂

Oh! and 6) I’m actually happy about the layoff now. I’m thrilled to be getting out of here, with severance. You see, I have plans for that money.

Edit for accuracy: We still need our official notice but, as long as I stick it out until June 30th, I should be all good w/regards to severance.

And 7) My doctor’s office (HMO) is ridiculously awesome. I emailed asking for an appt next Tuesday am. Got a VM that the doc was not in clinic that day, was asked to call back. I called to schedule for a different day but had to hang up before getting through. Found a voice message on my cell phone, 30 minutes later, saying that I was booked for the day/time I originally requested. Oh and, “you can come any time you like, your actual appointment is X:00.” They must love me. I want to keep them forever.

April 4, 2008

Let’s play Good News, Bad News

Good News: Friend looked at my car yesterday, as did his dad, and both agreed that the damage has not compromised the structure of the undercarriage. Lots of scrapes, more in some places than others, and half the bumper’s gone, but it’s just the cosmetic bits. She’s safe to drive without repairs for now. At some point I’ll replace the bumper but I’ll do that myself (er, by that I mean, Friend will teach me now), as well as repairing or replacing the scraped up frame rail.

Bad News: Drama, drama, drama-rama at work. Little Boss has been very sensitive, and feels like the staff doesn’t defer to him enough.

Unfortunately, this is a sticky situation because he started off trying to be everyone’s friend when they were hired and didn’t establish a rapport of authority like I did (I’m boss first, friend second), he has a double standard when it comes to the females (get away with everything) and males (don’t get credit for anything), and hasn’t been doing his job as a manager because he’s stuck catering to Big Boss.
The list goes on, but he also shares many of the traits that it appears SingleMa’s former boss possesses. He’s instigated a “quarterly discussion and review” in which he spent most of one person’s review commenting on other employees. Surprise!
And it’s my turn today! Can’t wait to hear what he’s interpreted as my failure to support him, when in fact, I’m doing the managing that he doesn’t have time for.

Good News: I’ve been getting random free stuff 🙂

Bad News: Bosses offered us a free, floater vacation day because we had to work a holiday two months ago without extra compensation, and then tried to take it away from C1, the only one who’s had opportunity to take it, yesterday. “Forgot”? HMPH! Don’t even go there!

Good News: I’m meeting a lot of new visitors here lately, and it’s great to have my loyal readers contributing to the conversation regularly.

Bad News: My personal life is still a major jumble. I’m definitely taking some time to let things settle out, but it’s taking way too long for my taste. It’s probably not good that I keep thinking I want to quit my job and home, and take off at the end of the year to who-knows-what-‘n’-where, though.

Good News: I have great couple friends who are easy and fun to third-wheel with. That’s usually a weird position to be in, but they’re great, and are perfectly willing to rescue me from my house randomly.

Bad News: My parents still need a LOT of training. They keep doing things I specifically ask them not to do.

Good News: It’s Friday!!


December 14, 2007

Good mail and better news!

My $100 Macy’s gift card came in the mail yesterday – thanks Citipoints! I can look at gifts for Best Friend’s wedding, soon.

And … wait for it …. I FOUND MY NECKLACE!!!

It promptly went back around my neck, and I felt like all was right with the world.

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