March 28, 2025

1. We watched Moana 2 together. JB declared the songs in 2 to be superior to the first but I’m not feeling it. The songs sound fine but none of them catch the brain in the same way.
2. The kids and I took advantage of a beautiful day to do a lot of yardwork together. We also ran loads of laundry, put away clean laundry and dishes, and scrubbed tiles (collectively). It was a very productive and active few hours that felt good for once. I won’t think hard about the price I paid for it.
Actions this week: I downloaded our Social Security information to have on hand.
I’ve checked the kids’ MMR vaccine statuses. I couldn’t remember if Smol Acrobat had gotten their second one yet and that was making me antsy. Yes, they have, so both kids are as protected as they can be. I’m not positive if PiC and I each got two MMRs or not, he might be in the age group that didn’t get a second one routinely. I may request boosters for both of us just in case.
Helping folks: R. S. A. Garcia, a speculative fiction writer from Trinidad and Tobago is scheduled to undergo three surgeries for cancer while out of work. She should have undergone surgery mid-March but the hospital royally forked that up and put them in an even tougher financial position as a result. They need help getting through to the surgery and beyond. Every little bit makes a difference.
March 21, 2025

1. We’d committed to seeing a pair of very local friends regularly this year and we have successfully hosted the second get together of the year! It was a lot of fun.
Challenges this week: this was a very hard week emotionally in so many ways.
March 14, 2025

1. It’s been a crap couple of weeks… Months? For my health, physically and mentally, but we’re still here. Still holding on.
March 7, 2025

It has been a really bad week for my health.
February 28, 2025

1. I restarted reading the Kate Daniels books from the library again for comfort reading.
2. I baked a cornbread! Two – since I had juuuuust enough ingredients to double the recipe and froze one against the day I need cornbread but have no energy to bake one.
3. What a WEEK.
February 21, 2025

1. I feel so accomplished. I finally figured out (by which I mean, finally remembered to go through the manual again and found the right page) what was causing the sewing machine to throw a horrible gnarl of looped threads on the back side of the fabric. The bobbin tension was too loose (although it’s been fine forever, why is it suddenly now too loose?) While testing the machine fix, I also repaired a bag for PiC. The seams had come undone so I reinforced it with a nice piece of canvas.
2. I ALSO finally fixed a seam on one of the blankets I made.
3. We took the kids on a bike ride. I stuck with Smol Acrobat so that PiC could enjoy the adult riding part. They kept asking to go back out the whole drive home – made me feel a little guilty for making them go at my pace because I was so slow and tired but they couldn’t have kept up with the other adults. Until they emerged from a THREE HOUR NAP. Ah ha! You were way more tired than you thought!
Can you help: Celeste Pewter, my go to on all things politics, is going through some serious stuff. She was recently seriously injured by a former partner and needs financial assistance to deal with the legal and maybe medical ramifications of that. This GFM was set up to help her get away from it before this incident, so the amount is too low.
February 14, 2025

1. I have read too many T. Kingfisher books NOT to be creeped out by Egyptian walking onions but also I want to grow them. That’s what I want for my birthday: walking onion bulbets or seeds to grow.
Challenges this week: