January 30, 2010
Hey hey, it’s Saturday! We’re reminiscing, updating and swooning over puppies today. You’re welcome to join!
My last report of getting better was a bit ambitious, I still sound like a warthog. I imagine that a warthog rumbles and coughs something like this anyway.
Remember when ….
phone calls at a phone booth only cost a quarter?
Or are you from the dime generation?
I’m from both. (35 cents)
Round One: Unemployment has run out this month, and I’m still in post-application, post-interview limbo, so Extended Benefits FAQ say:
Once you have exhausted your entitlement to your regular UI claim, you may be eligible to file the first extension. If you are eligible to file the first extension, EDD will automatically file the first extension and send you an additional Continued Claim Form, DE 4581. No action is required on your part.
Meh, I’m not terribly enthused about relying on someone else to take care of my business, but I don’t believe in universally painting everyone on the government payroll with the same brush so I’m going to shet up and fill my wait period of ten days landing a job so I don’t need the extension.
Settling accounts today …
Some invoices have been paid, others have not. Just in time to log some income on this month’s ledger before I show up terribly in the red!
Chegg didn’t deliver one of the books I’d ordered and it turns out I don’t need it anyway so that order’s canceled and a return processed ($56).
Meet the Boerboel South African Mastiff puppies [Ustream live here]
January 23, 2008
Puppies are soooo cute … and cuddly, and adorable, and lovable. Right up until they break your pants.
Alright, so little Miss M is still cute, but I’ve learned my lesson about trusting her off the leash: don’t!
She’s still a youngun, so I should have known better, but she’d been so complacent and trustworthy all day that when I took her out to do her business before we left work for the day, I didn’t bother to clip on her leash. Why bother? She’d been impossible to motivate beyond eating, drinking, sleeping and occasionally peeing the entire day. Uh-huh. The dang dog’s nocturnal!
We went outside and she moseyed around the planters, sniffing and twitching her tail, checking out possible Hot Spots. The second I stopped paying attention, she bolted for the center of the biggest, most overgrown planter in the courtyard. I jumped right in after her, grabbed for her collar and *shhhcrack!* I stopped. Dead in my tracks. Uhm-hm. That dog made me bust my jeans open.
*shaking head*
I couldn’t believe how breezy it was, suddenly. Luckily, it was dark, we were alone outside, and I had a long shirt on that almost covered up the hole.
After I got over my fit of giggles, I hauled Little Miss Wriggly back into the office, and clipped that leash right on. *tsk* See if I ever trust her again!
R reminded me to try the Stitch Witchery bonding tape from my sewing kit. The tear was straight, extending from the corner of my pocket up to the waistband, so I found some cute green ladybug scrap fabric, and gave it a whirl. The jeans are hanging up to dry now, but it looks like the bonding tape did the job and sealed up the edges of the hole perfectly. Now I can add some stitching to reinforce the repair job, and hide the fact that my jeans had a temporary back door.
In the meantime, I inducted my backup jeans from the New York trip into the jeans rotations. It can sub in for the other jeans until they’re all better. Thank goodness for back-up clothing!
January 14, 2008

This little girl, M, was supposed to come to work for Show and Tell today, but her new daddy (best friend’s fiance) was suffering from separation anxiety so I’ll just bring her with me tomorrow and Wednesday. Apologies for neglecting the blog, as the wedding draws closer, it’s harder to make free time!
Thank goodness her cuteness makes up for all the pre-wedding stress and jitters.
June 26, 2007
BoyDucky’s rolled out his best offer, take it or leave it, in a bid to gain my consent on the car he’d like in a few years: The Honda Element SC. (bleech!)
In his attempt to woo/win me over, he’s offered FIVE CUTE PUPPIES.

What do you think of that? Are five whole puppies cute enough to balance out the decided UNcuteness of that hideous boxcar? On one hand, they are distinctly, overwhelmingly cute. On the other hand, that car is ridiculously not cute. Pro, They’re REALLY cute. Con, I’m not crazy. I can’t handle five puppies. Pro, Puppy breath. Con, having to look at that car everyday. Pro, I have puppy fever and this would hit the spot. Con(s), one bedroom apartment, drive ’til the wheels fall off mentality, he might possibly have been thinking of stuffed Gund puppies.
The jury is still out …. but at least we show the spirit of compromise! 🙂