August 8, 2008

Happy Friday!

Nothing like a free yummy Orange Creamsicle for a hot summer day.

Oh horror: Someone in my office is strutting around in new …. CROCS. *shudder*
And another someone is wearing a tube top. I thought those were even more casual than tee shirts?
Yay long weekend!

August 6, 2008

There’s no zealot like the newly converted

I’ve just discovered our $20 yard sale treadmill, and boy howdy, suddenly I’m all about using it. After my feet were hurting yesterday after I walked home, I was still grumpy and needed to work it off, so I finally decided to give the treadmill a try. Never before have I given treadmills a chance; why should I when there’s all that lovely pavement outside and a dog to walk with? But it’s totally different than I expected, and I felt all workouty.

In fact, it was the first thing on my mind on the way home, so I threw a load of wash in and started up a run. Of course, it rapidly devolved into a run-walk-run-walk session, but whatever. I love me some endorphins.

I’m even thinking of getting up early and getting in a 20 minute run before getting ready for work. Clearly, I am thoroughly wound up because I only implacably need to snack, clean or work out when I just can’t keep it bottled up inside anymore. It’s time to get in better touch with my feelings, and stress levels, otherwise I’ll find myself cleaning other people’s houses and wondering why I just can’t stop cleaning!

August 5, 2008

War wounds

Tell me honestly, now, is it really weird that when I sustain a really fantastic-looking injury, I want to show people? I’ve got a newish 1 inch by 2 inch gash across the top of my foot from an altercation with an unfinished edge of a desk, and I had to fight the urge to snap a photo and share it. It’s mostly a morbid fascination that’s probably not shared by the world at large.

Also, my feet are now massive blisters from walking home in completely inappropriate sandals. They’re fine for kicking around, but not power-walking, I guess. Ow.

Votes: juvenile? or do you share cuts and bruises, too?

(seriously, I want to know if you think it’s weird, but don’t think I’m not secretly hoping you’ll all come out of the woodwork with stories to share.)

August 2, 2008

To Do: Saturday

Whew, it’s been a week. Ok, it’s been two days in the office, but they were intense trying to catch up and make good on all the promises we made during the meetings. Ugh. It’s amazing how I still think I can get all caught up and started on the new deadlines in the same day. Have really got to learn that that’s not how the world works.

Finally managed to complete my Con post, with more to come on Monday.

Hoping to get a hair appointment today – have to be out of town the next two weekends and can’t be too embarrassingly shaggy. I get to wear the purple dress and new shoes for the first time!

Lots of other miscellaneous chores that involve running about town. Should get a move on now.

July 30, 2008

Feels like Sunday

Have been home since this afternoon, it’s been eight days since I last sat here doing my bloggy thing.

Took me 3 hours to get caught up on bills, the payment and reconciling of, phone calls to straighten out erroneous charges I would not be paying, and organizing reimbursements. I promptly pooped out afterwards, skipping the “go to bank,” “sort and start laundry” and “go grocery shopping” portions of my to-do list.

Have TONS to do first thing in the morning at work. August will be an extremely challenging month. September will be, also, if I survive August, intact and employed. Magic eight ball says: Ask later.

Would like to:
1. Post pictures of puppy.
2. Post pictures of H&M find. (Yes. Guilty.)
3. Post Con update.

July 29, 2008

Not that I’m tempted …

but why are there 4 H&M stores, aka the only stores with button down shirts that fit me perfectly sans alterations, within walking distance of my hotel? WHY??

July 28, 2008

An Addendum

What I AM doing, however, is avoiding my coworkers. My evil coworkers who have pointed out three H&M stores between this hotel and our meeting building and dinner locale since yesterday and insisted that we were going shopping this afternoon.

I can make much better use of my time and whatever money I saved from the SD trip by holing up in my room and using the free internet. Hah! And it’s a pretty nice room, too.

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