December 20, 2024

Good Things Friday (304) and Link Love

1. I FINALLY tackled 2/3 of the wall boxes! You know the boxes that get piled against a wall “for now” that then grow into mountains as people stack things on top of those boxes “for a minute” and eventually there is no hope of reclaiming that space? I’ve reclaimed 2/3 of it! That last third, or quarter, of the pile remains, slightly mocking me, but that’s still progress.

Can we help this young man? Elijah Romero metastatic cancer


December 18, 2024

My kids and notes: Year 9.9

Life with JB

I am continually amazed by how fast they make friends. It turns out that it’s also hard for them when they have conflict because when they make a friend, they want to KEEP the friends.

Large and deep sigh. Parenting this age is feeling really hard right now. I can’t tell how much is it being complicated and hard versus how to tell how much of this is our own failings as humans and parents versus how much is that it’s just hard to deal with younger humans whose brains are still developing and whose emotions are still all over the place and big and loud. Some people don’t find kids confusing and difficult and those people are not me. I know I’m trying my best, we both are, but sometimes our best is really not good. It’s hard not to have a right answer to every situation. It’s hard not to feel like it is so damn messy and that we’re making mistakes that will require intensive therapy later. Maybe my parenting suffers when I don’t have a dog, because dogs are my refuge and I have no refuge in those hard moments when I want to scream and/or tear my hair out because the kids are being totally irrational and nothing I can say makes things ok or better or make sense.

Life with Smol Acrobat

Smol Acrobat loves their electric toothbrush.

They also love tacking on “pants on fire” to literally any phrase they might be saying at the time. Guess what chicken butt PANTS ON FIRE!

They’re a completely grumpy noodle when they wake up most mornings now, any excuse to pick a fight and grouch. Which is super awesome when combined with the grumpy noodle that is their sibling. I think this is related to their inability to nap at daycare anymore – they’re not getting enough sleep. Usually when they get an afternoon nap in, they’re good for a 630 am wakeup. Not that we WANT that, 7 is more civilized, but they’re groggy and overtired even at 715 or 730 on weekdays after not napping. We make sure they can nap on the weekends, and, boy do they, but we can’t do anything about the weekdays. Unlike JB who dropped their nap at 3 years old, this one still really needs that sleep. And naturally, now that we need them up early, JB is also not sleeping enough even with an early bedtime so they’re always tired in the morning. Two grumpy noodles is two too many.


We still aren’t adopting yet. We had Cousin Dog over for a week and he’s so easy and my heart was so happy to have him here. But he’s easy. My friends are remaining me daily that we’re still on Team Not Yet with all the stories of their dogs and shenanigans: one is eating all the non food she can get her jaws around, including their fence and their walls. One is having a tantrum about going out for walks. One is not allowing Mom to go home yet because she has to walk walk walk walk play!! then run then walk.

I laugh a little and remember Ahhhh, right. We don’t have time for that yet.

Precious Moments

SmolAc: da wadder is too cold
*Turn up heat* how about now?
SmolAc: still cold
*Turn up heat* how about now?
SmolAc: still cold
*Turn up heat* how about now?
SmolAc: still cold
*Turn up heat* how about now?


JB: I heard the teachers saying that she could spend some amount of money and get a free turkey at Safeway…… It was like $200. I guess that’s a lot.
Me: Why is that coming up now? It’s 10 pm.
JB: I heard you say turkey.
Me: Nooo… I said I was trying to order COVID tests.
JB: Oh, I heard COVID turkey.
Me: Gross.


SmolAc: I got DIS ONE. *waves a rock around*
JB: that’s a pumice! (Pronounced it poo-mus)
SmolAc: poo??? EWWWWW
Me: Puh-mice, y’all.


Smol Acrobat’s aphorism: if it works, great. If it not works, not great.


Smol Acrobat got mad at me one morning because I picked clothes for them. They wanted a different shirt and asked if they could wear that one instead. I told them that was fine, just go hang up the other one I set out. “But YOU unhanged it!”

December 16, 2024

Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (237)

Year 4 of COVID in the Bay Area.

Year 5, Day 236: šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ I finally got my new retainer! It is tight so I have been instructed to wear it all the time for three months to adjust to the fit, alas, but the tech will now order the two sets that came with the $900 plan for the 2024 allotment. Thrilled to throw away my old nearly broken aligners and to have backups on the way. No matter how heavy duty these are, they’re not going to hold up against the stress that destroyed the old aligners.

Smol Acrobat is sick again and this time it comes with a side of Extra Cling. They keep asking to sleep in our bed, for me to sleep in their bed, and waking up crying for me at midnight. I have to cuddle them until they fall back asleep. And it has to be me. When PiC tries to offer a cuddle, they turn into an octopod and wrap around me even tighter whimpering in a high pitched protest. Finally after the third cycle of this, I whispered “they know what you’re doing, they’re reattaching, stop trying to help.” They relaxed a little after that. It still took 3 hours to escape their room.

Year 5, Day 237: We got some bad/disappointing news about JB’s coach leaving the group šŸ™. They’re the only one who’s consistently there, good with managing the kids and they don’t have a replacement lined up. I hate change normally. When it leaves us with a whole lot of uncertainty, I hate it even more. This stinks.

Also I really hate when I took steps specifically to ameliorate burden on my team only to find out, because I can’t see the future, a week later that everything I did to help is actually doing the opposite because of other people not doing their part. I’ve found other ways to patch the holes I deliberately created but oh was that frustrating.

Year 5, Day 238: PiC insists that my puffer coat with holes in it has died its final death. It now refuses to puff back up after the last washing, so he might have a point. I also “know” that it’s ok for me to have good things that will last many years, but it was still an internal struggle so instead I tried to ignore his good point. He, knowing me, just went ahead and found me a replacement.

Part of me wants to be grumpy about how much it cost even after 40% off, but it’s a smaller part of me than it used to be.

I used to hate ceding control over anything at all, because I controlled so little. In reality I still control so little but my awareness of that fact, and glacially slow acceptance of it, has improved. Like, for example, I’m on week 19 in a row of doing exercises. They’re still laughably little compared to my fond memories of working out 30 years ago but those memories have been an impossibility for decades. Now I’ve committed to consistency with the hope of becoming stronger, less disconnected from my meatsuit, and maybe dropping some bulges. That last one has to stay the last in the list of priorities to make sure I stay focused on what’s most important. And the hell of it is, I think this is only working because I ceded control to a trainer who writes my weekly fitness plan and I just do as he says. I do pick and choose from the plan as if it was a menu, depending on how I feel on any given day, and I am curious if that really matters for my level of low fitness but generally, I am not making requests. I’m just doing the things and we’ve logged 18 weeks and still going.

My therapist calls this “being supported”. The mean gremlin inside me calls it something else entirely. But it’s a little quieter these days.

Year 5, Day 239: I had to go and jinx it, didn’t I? I was kicking rocks over the weirdly nice weather this week (because the bad weather messed up our special plans last month) so an atmospheric river landed on our doorstep early this morning.

Work continues to be a rollercoaster of “maybe we’ll be done soon? AUGH noooo another problem!!” I can’t even really take refuge in “it’ll be better soon” because the new year brings with it at least five major tasks I have to get on top of. I’ve made minor headway on three of them, but two remain elusive. I am going to have to decide how to take a few days off at the end of the year, though. I badly need the break. (And sleep. I need so much sleep. I won’t get it but I wants it, precious.)

Every time I think our cashflow looks good, we’re ok to give more in direct aid, it hits me shortly after that we actually have a 5-figure bill coming up soon which I DON’T have money set aside for. So no, not quite good. Drat. I’m transferring some of that cash into the house maintenance fund now so I don’t have to keep reminding myself.

Year 5, Day 240: My mom was diabetic but I’m not so I haven’t taken blood glucose blips very seriously. I’ve often ignored late night hunger with no issue but last night, that was totally the wrong move. The sudden hunger, despite having had a normal dinner at the normal time, was exceptionally irritating given I had just dropped into bed after another late night working. Fully intended to just ignore it but when I caved and got up, I started seeing spots, became lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseated. My whole body felt wrong. Painfully wrong. I couldn’t think at more than a crawl, and my thoughts were mostly: “ah, crap.” I inhaled a bagel with cream cheese, then a yogurt and some granola, and then drank most of a Gatorade. Probably should have gone in the opposite order because it was dicey by the time I got to the Gatorade – my breathing was irregular and vision was blurry and grey around the edges. It occurs to me this could also be related to the blood pressure meds I take for nightmares but that would be a bit odd since I’m on such a low dose.

Looking ahead to January isn’t just bad for work (still), it’s also chock full of appointments. AIYIYI. Birthdays, dentists (again??), parent-teacher conferences, a maintenance massage, we have to get together with 4 sets of friends. I’m not ready to face any of that.


This GFM to repay debt for a pup that didn’t make it could use some help.

December 13, 2024

Good Things Friday (303) and Link Love

1. I got to pet TWO dogs this week, total strangers but lovely and friendly.

2. I can hardly believe I’ve survived yet another one of these harrowing weeks of overwork but here we are on Friday. There have only been 3 meltdown level clashes with the kids this week, mainly Smol Acrobat, so that’s better than usual. That’s good, I only have so much left in me.


December 9, 2024

Living in the time of pandemic: COVID-19 (236)

Year 4 of COVID in the Bay Area.

Year 5, Day 229: Work is positively harrowing this week. It’s going to be more late nights for another couple weeks after many weeks of late nights. I’m totally over it but still, have to keep on for a bit longer. Telling myself: breathe, hydrate, take it one day at a time. Get through as much as I can the earlier part of the week so that the meetings that come later do not derail everything in my brain.

An annoying thing: I asked my orthodontist about ongoing retainer care last year and was basically brushed off. They told me to keep wearing my last set of aligners. Fast forward a year and change: I’ve ground my teeth at night so much that there’s a hole in my aligner. I was in the office for JB’s appointment and asked them how I’d order new aligners and they were very confused. I should have been offered a retainer and a retainer program that covers up to 2 sets of retainers a year, for $900. For comparison, outright buying a new set of retainers costs $800. Additional annoyance, I was not prepared for that expense to be debited from our checking account and it temporarily dropped our balance below the daily required minimum for a day while the transfer in to cover the charge was taking some time. I normally never use the debit card to avoid this but the receptionist was being a pain about it and I needed to be done. Chase charged me a $12 service fee once that happened so today I politely asked them if they would refund the fee this time. I have never dropped the balance below that number in the 7 years the account has been open, surely we’re good for a waiver once in a long while.

Year 5, Day 230: New money side quests! Some investments a couple years back incurred preemptive withholding tax and it took me ages to figure out how to file the refund request. Finally figured it out and filed for a refund going back three years. This was sent to them in March. We finally received the letter today confirming that they were paying up, but the transfer is now two weeks late. The snail mail letter made it before the actual transfer. I followed up by email to see if they did it properly or if it got kicked back – wire transfers are the pits, and international transfers are worse. Crossing my fingers that they reply promptly and don’t make this harder than it needs to be. I know some financial institutions to have forked up wire transfers three times in a row. And they call themselves professional.

Second one: Saving JB’s backpack from zipper derailment. We considered buying a repair kit, but between the two of us, managed to save that $9. PiC reseated the zipper and then that curved needle I bought last year to save my own backpack came in handy again – though I should get a pair of pliers to help push it through thick fabric. I painfully sewed up the end of zipper into the side of the backpack, and added an extra patch to reinforce the physical backstop. It is very ugly but just needs to hold until the bottom of the backpack wears out – that probably won’t be too terribly long. So many finger cramps!

Also also, DRAT. I forgot to put in my replacement Bookoutlet order yesterday so I lost out on the sale prices. They are so deeply discounted it was still a bargain, but the principle of “overspending” irks me a little.

Year 5, Day 231: So many meetings today! It was really satisfying to put a big DONE through them as I finished up the day but wow was that a lot.

The new laptop arrived, I’ll need to set that up soon. I need to decide if I’m making that my work laptop with all the work it takes to set it up, or if this will be the family laptop. The latter is probably easier.

Bethh was so right! Netflix’s Man on the Inside is delightful. It was just too short, opinion motivated entirely by greed not because they shortchanged the storylines, and I wish we could get full 26 episode seasons of shows like this. It also featured a few other folks from The Good Place, that was fun.

Year 5, Day 232: My gardening has fallen off steeply since the start of November. Everything was dying or dead, I had to rip out my snap peas – so sad. The potatoes were likely ready to harvest but I simply haven’t had time or energy to dig them. This made it a bit more surprising to see all the grass and little clover-like things popping up in the small two foot patch I cleared for flowers. All of six poppies bloomed during the summer, their heads blew off a few days later, and that was it for my experiment with planting poppies. Or so I thought!

While picking out the grasses, trying to keep it clear enough early on so that I don’t accidentally rip out my still surviving poppy plants if I make another next attempt, I spotted three almost microscopic sprouts that look like they’re going to be poppies some day! It’s still so early they may not make it but there’s something so happy about seeing the possibility sprout. I scattered so many poppy seeds and snapdragon seeds (none of which came up), maybe they’re still there and waiting for their time to come.

Maybe there’s a metaphor in there but I worked super late again tonight and my brain is a non-wonder engine, it must shut down.

Year 5, Day 233: “She was sad, I could feel it. I should not be able to feel an emotion that is inside of someone else.” I bounced off Resident Alien the first time I started watch-listening to it but it’s landing this time. One of my reports had a devastating loss today, and I was at a loss for how to best express my grief in the form of support for them and their family. I eventually decided on a multi-tier approach since this won’t be over in a day. Dinner for this first day of bad news and flowers and care basket at separate dates in acknowledgement of the ongoing grief. Obviously until and unless they share with the rest of the department, I won’t either, but I do wish there was a way to push a button that signals a need for comfort and caring without invading anyone’s privacy.

This came on the heels of a physically draining morning and I really just wanted to curl up under the blankets and hide for a few hours. I couldn’t, of course. I had to tough it out and be productive in the few hours I had left in the afternoon before having to host a social event. It was fine but my exhaustion was so high that ten minutes in, I was checking the time. Still, we survived the week, and that’s something.

I hate that there’s no way to know how much melatonin is really in each tablet we take, and same for all the other supplements that I take. They help, but there’s always a chance that there’s other stuff that’s not so great in there. I wish it weren’t so cost prohibitive to regulate them the way medications are regulated. Of course even those aren’t immune to quality control issues. I find myself wishing for a chemistry set and the knowledge sufficient to test my own supplements to confirm they are what the companies selling them say they are.

December 5, 2024

Money & Life Report: November 2024

Net worth and life update: Image of nest with 5 blue blackbird eggs.

On Money


Our primary income comes from our full time jobs. We have minimal income from investing in index funds and dividend stocks (all reinvested). We earn money on the side to supplement our main incomes. We get a bit of income from Swagbucks, cash back sites (Rakuten, Mr.Rebates) and affiliate links to Bookshop and Amazon sometimes pay a micro-commission to keep the blog running. The sidebar has ways to support the blog and our charitable giving.

Our long term goal is to replace our day job income with passive income before my health prevents me from working. I know from my Mom’s experience that qualifying for or relying on disability is incredibly tough or near impossible here in CA. Aside from that, I aim to do my best to make the most of what we can do while we can.


Dividend income. We received $1060 in dividends from the stocks portfolio. One of two big months in the year.


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