By: Revanche

Just a little (link) love: Sagan and Bone Edition

August 20, 2015


This time last year: I was having a Funny (About Money) kind of day

5 years ago: I was so close to having $40K in retirement savings!


The original blogger is calling it quits. Long before AGSL came to be, Dooce was out there writing up a storm and getting paid for it. She and one other blogger were the first blogs I had ever encountered, when they were still called weblogs.

I reserve the right to hate listening to the sound of my own voice but dudes who want to judge me negatively professionally on it can go kick rocks. Related, this is a good article on the subject but I am distracted by the phrase “vocal fry”.

I want to be a career (from home, for my health) person and a stay at home mom to LB and this is about what I imagine it’ll look like. Except I think I’ll have accepted that some daycare so that I have actual no-child time is fine, and that it’s not going to be an easy task starting as business, and I’ll be juggling a lot of things to make it work. I believe that I can, but am not ready to jump in with both feet yet.

More thinking about entrepreneurship

I don’t unilaterally love Target but I like that they’ve agreed to stop gendering their damn toys. Of course, some people whose history only apparently extends back a few decades are appalled at the store being “PC” and “transgender”. Really. In fact, no, blue didn’t always mean “boys” and pink didn’t always mean “girls”, it used to be the opposite. Also baby boys used to wear dresses and OMG it really messed up all those men. Huh. Wait. It didn’t.

Kids pay for their haircuts by reading for back to school. This is awesome.


Dragon Age v Cancer

David Willis’s new Transformers is not for you, jerk.

Cape Cod road race also has a virtual component. That’s pretty neat.


The Navajo water shortage and donate to the Clean Water project

More on Kelly Sue the Talented. Or should that be the Skilled? I think both. Writers that I admire have a wide variety of interests and perceive art so much more deeply than I do. I have basically zero intellectual appreciation of the arts, whether it be paintings, or dance, or what have you, beyond thinking, oh that’s beautiful. Or not. It seems like an important thing if you’re going to be a creator.

On living and dying

It’s called How to take perfect instagram pictures but this is more like how to edit the perfect picture

Worry about the OTHER bees

Pandering: White males don’t think it’s bad when it’s for them. “Men, for instance, have a tendency to perceive equality when women are still the minority in a group, and female dominance when they actually just pull even.”

We dodged a huge bullet with thalidomide thanks to this doctor. โ€œI had the feeling,โ€ she wrote after a meeting with company executives, โ€œthat they were at no time being wholly frank with me, and that this attitude has obtained in all our conferences, etc., regarding this drug.โ€

Of course police departments don’t want to track or admit how many of their officers are abusive. This entitled feeling to use force against the citizens they’re meant to be protecting bodes well for all of us.

Echoes of Auschwitz and Dr. Mengele

Sagan v The Bone

6 Responses to “Just a little (link) love: Sagan and Bone Edition”

  1. Shelley says:

    Whoa – I hadn’t realised how long I’d been away til I read that you have a child! Last I knew it was being considered… sorry about that! There’s more here than I can manage just now, but I did have to check out ‘vocal fry’ to find out what in the world that is. I realised it is that annoying way teenagers talk these days, I don’t even know how to do it and I gather it’s not always on purpose. You mentioned reading about my mom. I’ve written about her every year on her birthday, but the longest post is here: Thanks for visiting!
    Shelley recently posted…Mom’s BirthdayMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      No apology needed! We both drifted off into being busy with things for a while. I’m just glad you’re back!

      My theory on how teenagers talk, and I’d agree it can be subconscious, is that it’s aural infection. They hear it and absorb the cadences.

      I used your category tag and caught up on a lot of your Mom posts, lovely. I’m tempted to do something of the same.

  2. Linda says:

    I hear you about the arts appreciation thing. I sometimes think that it would be nice to take an art history class or something like that so I can understand better some of the things that artists notice and look at in paintings, photos, etc. I’ve been told I have a good “eye” for photos, but I’m not sure how to quantify that. I also don’t have much art in the house, but that’s somewhat due to my laziness around hanging stuff on the walls.
    Linda recently posted…Highs and LowsMy Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I took art history ages ago and came away only appreciating the history part of it. Typical! We share the laziness WRT hanging stuff too! My excuse: we need quake-proof hanging supplies.

  3. ANOTHER amazing round-up!! How do you do this? You must live on the Internet.

    I do wish, tho’, that Sagan’s human understood that “it’s a dangerous bone” had an element of truth to it… Hope she doesn’t go off and leave the pup unsupervised with a chunk like that.
    Funny about Money recently posted…Can You Spot Good Husband Material?My Profile

    • Revanche says:

      I do live on the internet! ๐Ÿ˜‰ but also there’ve just been some good links lately.

      I’m not worried about Sagan’s human, in this case at least! They’ve raised a lot of awesome pups.

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