November 15, 2007

Making better use of my time

Not that watching the end of Michael Bay’s Transformers wasn’t a great use of my morning commute time, but now that I’m done, I could start spending that hour doing something that is more productive or educational. I can’t concentrate on learning a language if I’m not also reading and writing at the same time (I did try some foreign language podcasts), so another option is reading the Wall Street Journal.

I recently tossed out a teaser letter from the WSJ that offered the print paper for $99 a year. I wonder if I can find better rates online?

For 26 weeks, they offer:

Print only: $59
They say I would save 75%, “plus 1 week free!” (When I click on subscribe, it says that I will receive 27 weeks, total, so it’s not just a bait and switch involved with the discounted price vs. newsstand price.)

For 52 weeks, they offer:

Print/online combo: $125, plus 8 weeks free
Print only: $99, plus 2 weeks free
Online only: $79, plus 2 weeks free

At 6 issues a week, if I subscribe for 26 weeks, I’m getting 162 copies for $59, which equals: 36 cents each.

OR I could get:

Print/online combo at 360 copies for $125 = 35 cents a copy, plus online access.
Print only: 54 cents per copy
Online only: access to the current issues and archives.

The online only version isn’t an option because it doesn’t help me on the commute unless I get internet access gadgets, which isn’t a cost effective solution.

Hmm…then again, given my current cash crunch, spending money at all is not a good solution. It’s time for some creative funding. Normally I deplore the use of any mileage for magazine redemptions, but I do have number of Alaska Air miles that will likely expire before I fly Alaska again. Maybe I can redeem those!

November 2, 2007

The more you have, the more you waste?

Time, in this case. Probably money, too, but today’s topic is time. Ever since the OT tap was turned off at work, I’ve had two extra hours every night to myself. The routine was, for time immemorial: Get home at 8:15. Eat dinner: 15 minutes. Take shower: 15 minutes. Tidy up, and get into bed: 15 minutes. Talk to BoyDucky? Some time between 9 and 10 pm, if it works out. My schedule used to frustrate him because we had a short window in which we’d get to talk, or miss each other completely because I had to sleep as close to ten as possible. Getting up before 6 am just isn’t easy. Yes, the whole 8 hours a night thing seems terribly spoiled, but I promise that it’s for the greater good. The more sleep deprived I am, the punchier I, and the worse the arthritis, get. In the pursuit of non-sausage fingers and the avoidance of bum knees, I try my best to get the eight hours in.

Now that I get home around 6:15, there’s a whole lotta futzing around on the internet that accomplishes absolutely nothing. Inevitably 9:15 rolls around and there I am, unshowered, unfed, and unready for bed. The morning alarm is still set for predawn because I still have the 1+ hour commute so it’s not like I’m getting off all that easy with the “8 hour day.”

I have GOT to get it together and either do something useful with that extra time like exercise, cook, or actually get some wedding planning done! *igh* I don’t wanna, though. Maybe I’ll let myself have a few more weeks of doing absolutely nothing useful after work. After all, I’ve got about three years of downtime to catch up on!

October 29, 2007

Bizzy bizzy bee, that’s me

What a weekend! I’m working from home today because I had a doctor’s appointment, and I’m sure my desk will be a delight to return to.

Saturday should have been much more productive than it really was: I just picked up BoyDucky from the airport, had breakfast, ran a couple errands and got my hair cut. Speaking of, I should have known I was in trouble when the student and stylist instructor both asked “You mean, like Victoria Beckham?” Uhrm, no. So my hair’s pretty well lopped off, and I feel like I look like a boy. It’s ok, (insert *gag* here) BoyDucky says he still loves me. 🙂
Total Spend: $14

My run to Michael’s for a package of blank card stock/envelopes for bridal shower invitations was postponed until Sunday because I needed a coupon, yay for 40% off coupons, and then we spent the day at the hospital with BoyDucky’s dad. Lunch (Chipotle burrito) and dinner (Thai food) were his treat.
Total Spend: Original, $15. After coupon, $10.

Monday: I’m going to try to go through Physical Therapy to get a chiropractic referral. This neck problem has been around far too long, so I hope that a chiro will do the trick. Other than that, I just had to pick up a refill on medications, get stuck with needles for more labwork, and stop at Victoria’s Secret to combine a merch credit with my gift card.
Total Spend: $25
+ $10.76 credit.

Also, had it out with my brother about how he needs to get his act together, and not return cars running on empty. He swears that he’s through making empty promises, so he’s going to try to make it back to me with funds in two and four weeks. We’ll see. Things aren’t as dire as I make them out to be, but they will be, and I shouldn’t have to make more sacrifices of my own to fix his shortcomings.

My puppydog is being dramatic, stretched out by my foot in hopes that I’ll pet her, panting and verrrry quietly whining. She’s desperate for my attention so I’ll let her stay here while I try to work. It’d be easier without a dog’s snout under my foot, nudging every few seconds that I forgot to “pet” her, though!

August 27, 2007

Google Search Phenomena

Can someone explain why about a million people are all suddenly searching the phrase “May you have an interesting life” and ending up here? Is there a radio contest that I don’t know about?

January 31, 2007

Dear Yodlee,

Stoppit. Stop it NOW. Stop sending me the 50 emails you’ve stored about every single one of my transactions for the last century. You haven’t even been AROUND for the last century.

Don’t worry, I still love you.


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